Jesus born to a Virgin, and a humble carpenter in a manger in Bethlehem of Judea.
Emmanuel, God made manifest in the flesh is come first to the Hebrews and then to the Gentile.
Jesus said, Salvation is of the Hebrews.
Jesus abandoned by man at birth other than the humble Joseph, and several low cast shepherds was given birth to by the humblest of handmaids in answer to the announcement of Gabriel the angel of the Lord's presence who was yet still a young girl reportedly of 16 years of age.
Sitting on a donkey, the Mother of our Lord full with Child. The long road to the place of His birth was traveled. Joseph led them slowly and surely to his place of birth where by Roman law they had to be for the Census.
In the cold stone hollow carved out by shepherds to shield their flocks from the winter nights, often bitter on the plains, the Angel proclaimed His Birth to those out in the field tending their sheep.
"Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
Jesus was adored worshiped and loved by those simple shepherds and the three kings of the East. Silently, in the greatest of reverence, all of Heaven rejoiced and bowed low before His small infant frame. The blessed, ever-Virgin Mother, gathered her son to her breast and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes gave Him nourishment. God provided a husband for her after she had consented to be the Mother of Christ, God, the Son, Savior of mankind. He made the way over rocky rough path to the city of His Birth prophesied of generations ago. God the father, provided a place of shelter and sent those who had traveled afar to meet Him and bestow their gifts of God's provisions at the feet of the newborn King.
Fleeing to Egypt Joseph led of God, the Holy Spirit took the Child and His Holy Mother away from the Roman soldiers seeking His life to destroy it.
Jesus grew up with adversity and treachery. Yet in the grace of God the father under the wings of angels and in the loving care of His parents.
Jesus was a man of sorrows afflicted with all that is common to man. In His years of ministry he beckoned those apostles to " Follow Him. "
As Christians it is difficult at times to remember that when we do choose Christ we alo choose the Cross. We follow knowing we are led into the unity of the Savior who having overcome sin and death leads those who follow Him to His Resurrection from the Dead into the everlasting Life with God in His Kingdom. "The Kingdom of God is within."
We are to recall that not a single Saint or Martyr of the Christian faith has been apart from great trials, temptations or adversities.
A Saint is one chosen by God the father to receive Him in the fullness of His Graces in His holy will and timing to be an example set before all man. This grace alone provides the sanctity and unification necessary for the true witness of the messiah of mankind prophesied to the Hebrew and fulfilled in them.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. pray for the unity of the Body of Christ.
3. "Let the children come to me. Do not hinder them. The kingdom of God is people like this. I say to you clearly. Unless you are people who accept the kingdom of God as a child, you will never be able to enter in it," (verses sixteen and seventeen).
14. So what was he saying then? The special characteristic of small children was, in fact, their powerlessness. They existed there as persons without any achievements to necessarily be proud of. Based on the point of emphasis he has there, Luke was intentionally using the word "nursing babies." They are individuals with nothing to offer. Based on the fact nursing babies are powerless, they are completely passive recipients. They know instinctively they cannot go on living without their parents. Therefore, they seek their parents as innocent beggars and entrust themselves to their parents' hands. He or she is happy in just the love of their parents and they find rest and peace within in their love. Consequently, "the person who accepts the kingdom of God as a child" is about the person who can admit his or her own powerlessness and be submissive to God. "The person who accepts the kingdom of God as a child" is one who earnestly seeks God the Father and entrusts himself or herself to God's hands. "The person who accepts the kingdom of God as a child" is the person who is happy with God's love and discovers rest and peace in what is in Him. The Lord said the kingdom of God is a kingdom of such a type of person.
16. "Two persons went up to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee and the other one was a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed like this in his heart. 'O God, I am not like other persons who rob, are unrighteous, and commit adultery, and I thank you that I am not like this tax collector either. I fast twice each week and present one tenth of all my income.' However, the tax collector stood up far away and without even lifting his eyes to heaven he spoke while beating his chest. 'O God, please have mercy on me a sinner.' I say this, the one who went home justified was this person and not that Pharisee. Whoever is a person who exalts himself will be made low, and the one who humbles himself will be elevated," (verses nine through fourteen).
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink... Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
"For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of man,"
The wording in some testimonials by some may sound erroneous in places. Yet it impossible to judge what is within the heart of one making such statements through His holy Spirit who can tell what the intentions are within all hearts and overlook the error, for the sake of the pearls of truth among-st the proclamation. On another side we can also realize many have varied backgrounds, cultures and experiences and language is a finite tool. This is why the Hebrew text of the books of the Old testament are invaluable because of their adherence not to change the words therein nor to place meanings which are not inspired of God, the Holy Spirit over His Divinely constructed and Holy Word.
Blessings in the holy name of Jesus, true Christ.
Emmanuel, God made manifest in the flesh is come first to the Hebrews and then to the Gentile.
Jesus said, Salvation is of the Hebrews.
Jesus abandoned by man at birth other than the humble Joseph, and several low cast shepherds was given birth to by the humblest of handmaids in answer to the announcement of Gabriel the angel of the Lord's presence who was yet still a young girl reportedly of 16 years of age.
Sitting on a donkey, the Mother of our Lord full with Child. The long road to the place of His birth was traveled. Joseph led them slowly and surely to his place of birth where by Roman law they had to be for the Census.
In the cold stone hollow carved out by shepherds to shield their flocks from the winter nights, often bitter on the plains, the Angel proclaimed His Birth to those out in the field tending their sheep.
"Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
Jesus was adored worshiped and loved by those simple shepherds and the three kings of the East. Silently, in the greatest of reverence, all of Heaven rejoiced and bowed low before His small infant frame. The blessed, ever-Virgin Mother, gathered her son to her breast and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes gave Him nourishment. God provided a husband for her after she had consented to be the Mother of Christ, God, the Son, Savior of mankind. He made the way over rocky rough path to the city of His Birth prophesied of generations ago. God the father, provided a place of shelter and sent those who had traveled afar to meet Him and bestow their gifts of God's provisions at the feet of the newborn King.
Fleeing to Egypt Joseph led of God, the Holy Spirit took the Child and His Holy Mother away from the Roman soldiers seeking His life to destroy it.
Jesus grew up with adversity and treachery. Yet in the grace of God the father under the wings of angels and in the loving care of His parents.
Jesus was a man of sorrows afflicted with all that is common to man. In His years of ministry he beckoned those apostles to " Follow Him. "
As Christians it is difficult at times to remember that when we do choose Christ we alo choose the Cross. We follow knowing we are led into the unity of the Savior who having overcome sin and death leads those who follow Him to His Resurrection from the Dead into the everlasting Life with God in His Kingdom. "The Kingdom of God is within."
We are to recall that not a single Saint or Martyr of the Christian faith has been apart from great trials, temptations or adversities.
A Saint is one chosen by God the father to receive Him in the fullness of His Graces in His holy will and timing to be an example set before all man. This grace alone provides the sanctity and unification necessary for the true witness of the messiah of mankind prophesied to the Hebrew and fulfilled in them.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. pray for the unity of the Body of Christ.
3. "Let the children come to me. Do not hinder them. The kingdom of God is people like this. I say to you clearly. Unless you are people who accept the kingdom of God as a child, you will never be able to enter in it," (verses sixteen and seventeen).
14. So what was he saying then? The special characteristic of small children was, in fact, their powerlessness. They existed there as persons without any achievements to necessarily be proud of. Based on the point of emphasis he has there, Luke was intentionally using the word "nursing babies." They are individuals with nothing to offer. Based on the fact nursing babies are powerless, they are completely passive recipients. They know instinctively they cannot go on living without their parents. Therefore, they seek their parents as innocent beggars and entrust themselves to their parents' hands. He or she is happy in just the love of their parents and they find rest and peace within in their love. Consequently, "the person who accepts the kingdom of God as a child" is about the person who can admit his or her own powerlessness and be submissive to God. "The person who accepts the kingdom of God as a child" is one who earnestly seeks God the Father and entrusts himself or herself to God's hands. "The person who accepts the kingdom of God as a child" is the person who is happy with God's love and discovers rest and peace in what is in Him. The Lord said the kingdom of God is a kingdom of such a type of person.
16. "Two persons went up to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee and the other one was a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed like this in his heart. 'O God, I am not like other persons who rob, are unrighteous, and commit adultery, and I thank you that I am not like this tax collector either. I fast twice each week and present one tenth of all my income.' However, the tax collector stood up far away and without even lifting his eyes to heaven he spoke while beating his chest. 'O God, please have mercy on me a sinner.' I say this, the one who went home justified was this person and not that Pharisee. Whoever is a person who exalts himself will be made low, and the one who humbles himself will be elevated," (verses nine through fourteen).
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink... Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
"For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of man,"
The wording in some testimonials by some may sound erroneous in places. Yet it impossible to judge what is within the heart of one making such statements through His holy Spirit who can tell what the intentions are within all hearts and overlook the error, for the sake of the pearls of truth among-st the proclamation. On another side we can also realize many have varied backgrounds, cultures and experiences and language is a finite tool. This is why the Hebrew text of the books of the Old testament are invaluable because of their adherence not to change the words therein nor to place meanings which are not inspired of God, the Holy Spirit over His Divinely constructed and Holy Word.
Blessings in the holy name of Jesus, true Christ.