We see a lot of challenging stories at Open Doors, but our faviourite stories are those that show God turning what was meant for evil and using it for His good. He did that for Dhea, who was raised a devout Muslim in Southeast Asia. At 15 she was raped and became pregnant. Instead of seeking justice for Dhea, an Islamic court sentenced her to 100 lashes and two years in prison!
But it was while she was in prison that she met a Christian who gave her a Bible. She was frightened by this and was determined to burn the Bible. But in a moment of curiosity, she opened it to Psalm 139.16 and read, 'Your eyes saw my unformed body; all my days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be'. After reading about the love God had for her, she could not bring herself to burn the Bible.
Let's ask God to raise up messengers of faith and love in prisons all over the world. While the enemy might want to destroy Christians God continues to use them to bring others to Him.
When she returned from prison, Dhea couldn't keep her new faith inside her. Her family and community were outraged. "To be a Christian is worse than being a traitor," she said. "A murderer is better than that. The person does not deserve to live." She was sent to prison again, where she was mocked 'Jesus will come to save you,' others taunted.
Pray for secret believers whoa re faced with the dilemma of trying to keep the light of Jesus under cover. Ask God to give them courage and guide their way.
After being released again from prison, Open Doors partners helped Dhea move to a neighbouring country for her safety. There, she ministers through serving people from her former country who come there for medical treatment.
Pray God would continue to use Dhea to influence others to know Christ just as someone influenced her. Pray that God continues to meet her needs as keeps her as she follows His leading.
Thanks so much for praying, Elohim bless you. Taken from Open Doors USA text alerts.
But it was while she was in prison that she met a Christian who gave her a Bible. She was frightened by this and was determined to burn the Bible. But in a moment of curiosity, she opened it to Psalm 139.16 and read, 'Your eyes saw my unformed body; all my days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be'. After reading about the love God had for her, she could not bring herself to burn the Bible.
Let's ask God to raise up messengers of faith and love in prisons all over the world. While the enemy might want to destroy Christians God continues to use them to bring others to Him.
When she returned from prison, Dhea couldn't keep her new faith inside her. Her family and community were outraged. "To be a Christian is worse than being a traitor," she said. "A murderer is better than that. The person does not deserve to live." She was sent to prison again, where she was mocked 'Jesus will come to save you,' others taunted.
Pray for secret believers whoa re faced with the dilemma of trying to keep the light of Jesus under cover. Ask God to give them courage and guide their way.
After being released again from prison, Open Doors partners helped Dhea move to a neighbouring country for her safety. There, she ministers through serving people from her former country who come there for medical treatment.
Pray God would continue to use Dhea to influence others to know Christ just as someone influenced her. Pray that God continues to meet her needs as keeps her as she follows His leading.
Thanks so much for praying, Elohim bless you. Taken from Open Doors USA text alerts.