Prayers are still desperately needed for believers in Afghanistan.
In a recent interview with Reuters, a high-ranking Taliban commander confirmed that Afghanistan would not be a democracy under the Taliban - and that they will implement no law but Shariah.
During their rule in the 1990's, the Taliban ruled with an extreme interpretation of the Shariah law. they imposed brutal rules for women and instituted violent punishments on infidels, including believers who have left their Muslim faith to follow Christ.
Brother Sam, Open Doors Field Director for Asia continues to ask for prayers. "These are uncertain times for Christians in Afghanistan. It's absolutely dangerous. We don't know what the next months will bring, what kind of implementation of Shariah law we will see, but we continue to ask you to intercede for our brothers and sisters. They are facing insurmountable adversity. We must pray without ceasing.
In an interview with CBN, local believer Hamid shared fears that the Taliban will eliminate the Christian population. "We know a Christian believer who we've been working with in the north, he's a leader and we've lost contact with him because his city fell to the Taliban," Hamid said. "There are 3 other cities that we've lost contact with our Christian believers.
"Some of the believers are known in their communities. people know that they converted from Islam to Christianity, and they are considered apostates and the penalty for that is death. The Taliban are famous for carrying out that punishment."
Please continue to lift up our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan. Our partners in the region sent this prayer - based on Psalm 57.5 0 to help guide your petitions before God.
Have mercy upon them, my God, have mercy on them, for in You they take refuge. They will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. We cry out to God most high, to God, who vindicates us. He sends from heaven and saves, rebuking those who hotly persue. God sends forth His love and His faithfulness. Your children in Afghanistan are in the midst of lions, forced to dwell among ravanous beasts. Men whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tounges are sharp words. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens. let your glory be over all the earth.
Thank you so much for praying, God bless. From a text alert sent from Open Doors USA.
In a recent interview with Reuters, a high-ranking Taliban commander confirmed that Afghanistan would not be a democracy under the Taliban - and that they will implement no law but Shariah.
During their rule in the 1990's, the Taliban ruled with an extreme interpretation of the Shariah law. they imposed brutal rules for women and instituted violent punishments on infidels, including believers who have left their Muslim faith to follow Christ.
Brother Sam, Open Doors Field Director for Asia continues to ask for prayers. "These are uncertain times for Christians in Afghanistan. It's absolutely dangerous. We don't know what the next months will bring, what kind of implementation of Shariah law we will see, but we continue to ask you to intercede for our brothers and sisters. They are facing insurmountable adversity. We must pray without ceasing.
In an interview with CBN, local believer Hamid shared fears that the Taliban will eliminate the Christian population. "We know a Christian believer who we've been working with in the north, he's a leader and we've lost contact with him because his city fell to the Taliban," Hamid said. "There are 3 other cities that we've lost contact with our Christian believers.
"Some of the believers are known in their communities. people know that they converted from Islam to Christianity, and they are considered apostates and the penalty for that is death. The Taliban are famous for carrying out that punishment."
Please continue to lift up our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan. Our partners in the region sent this prayer - based on Psalm 57.5 0 to help guide your petitions before God.
Have mercy upon them, my God, have mercy on them, for in You they take refuge. They will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. We cry out to God most high, to God, who vindicates us. He sends from heaven and saves, rebuking those who hotly persue. God sends forth His love and His faithfulness. Your children in Afghanistan are in the midst of lions, forced to dwell among ravanous beasts. Men whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tounges are sharp words. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens. let your glory be over all the earth.
Thank you so much for praying, God bless. From a text alert sent from Open Doors USA.