Open Doors local partners get into a small boat with minimal safety equipment and cross rough seas for 2 hours to visit Mentawai Island in Western Sumatra, Indonesia. Through your prayers, you go with them.
The purpose of their visit is to bring persecution preparedness training to the 200+ believers on the island. Western Sumatra is a Muslim-majority area, and believers there face pressure from both the government and the surrounding community. The training is intended to give Christians support and empower them to face overt persecution for their faith in Christ. The trainers have been faithfully going to the island 3 times a year, despite the risky journey and hardships.
Many believers are illiterate on Mentawai Island, and so our partners must be creative and patient in training them. They teach them the Biblical view of persecution, train them in a Christian response to being pressurised or threatened for their faith, and help them to understand their rights as citizens so they can calmly resist such treatment.
Please pray for Open Doors partners as they travel throughout the world to bring this training to people who will probably face overt hostility in the future, if they don't already.
Pray that the seeds the trainers sow will be fruitful, and the training will give believers a stronger grounding in their faith.
Pray for God's grace toward these believers that they may stand in the day of trial without fear. (Eps.6.11)
Thank God for the willingness and passion of the local partners to take training to distant believers without regard for their own safety.
Thanks so much for praying, God bless. From an Open Doors USA text alert.
The purpose of their visit is to bring persecution preparedness training to the 200+ believers on the island. Western Sumatra is a Muslim-majority area, and believers there face pressure from both the government and the surrounding community. The training is intended to give Christians support and empower them to face overt persecution for their faith in Christ. The trainers have been faithfully going to the island 3 times a year, despite the risky journey and hardships.
Many believers are illiterate on Mentawai Island, and so our partners must be creative and patient in training them. They teach them the Biblical view of persecution, train them in a Christian response to being pressurised or threatened for their faith, and help them to understand their rights as citizens so they can calmly resist such treatment.
Please pray for Open Doors partners as they travel throughout the world to bring this training to people who will probably face overt hostility in the future, if they don't already.
Pray that the seeds the trainers sow will be fruitful, and the training will give believers a stronger grounding in their faith.
Pray for God's grace toward these believers that they may stand in the day of trial without fear. (Eps.6.11)
Thank God for the willingness and passion of the local partners to take training to distant believers without regard for their own safety.
Thanks so much for praying, God bless. From an Open Doors USA text alert.