In widely circulated videos that have become viral in India, a mob of 300 Hindu fundamentalists suddenly descended on a Christian community, violently shouting hateful slogans and roughing up believers.
"All hail lord ram!" they yelled as they stormed into the compound, proclaiming allegiance to the hindu god ram.
The mob carried sticks and other weapons, beat the believers and threatened to put them in jail. The attackers accused the Christians of converting people.
The radicals confronted a woman, demanding that she declare herself hindu, and forced her to burn Christian literature. . She said she was so frightened that, even though she believes in Jesus, she said what they wanted her to say.
Another Christian girl was told to repeat hindu slogans but she refused. "I will not take any other god except my living God," she said. "If you want to kill me, kill me. Instead of tomorrow I will die today." The fanatics said she must have been lured into Christianity with money but she denied this as well.
Please pray with the believers in India, that they might stand strong despite the constant attacks.
Thank God for the bold witness of this brave Christian sister. Ask Him to use it to touch the hearts of many who need Him.
Pray for the girl who was so frightened that she did and said what was demanded of her. Ask God to comfort her and heal her heart.
Pray for the protection of our persecuted brethren in India, and for them to respond in a Christ-like way when they face attacks like this.
Thank you so much for praying, from a text alert sent by Open Doors USA.
"All hail lord ram!" they yelled as they stormed into the compound, proclaiming allegiance to the hindu god ram.
The mob carried sticks and other weapons, beat the believers and threatened to put them in jail. The attackers accused the Christians of converting people.
The radicals confronted a woman, demanding that she declare herself hindu, and forced her to burn Christian literature. . She said she was so frightened that, even though she believes in Jesus, she said what they wanted her to say.
Another Christian girl was told to repeat hindu slogans but she refused. "I will not take any other god except my living God," she said. "If you want to kill me, kill me. Instead of tomorrow I will die today." The fanatics said she must have been lured into Christianity with money but she denied this as well.
Please pray with the believers in India, that they might stand strong despite the constant attacks.
Thank God for the bold witness of this brave Christian sister. Ask Him to use it to touch the hearts of many who need Him.
Pray for the girl who was so frightened that she did and said what was demanded of her. Ask God to comfort her and heal her heart.
Pray for the protection of our persecuted brethren in India, and for them to respond in a Christ-like way when they face attacks like this.
Thank you so much for praying, from a text alert sent by Open Doors USA.