We understand your desire and need to find a permanent home, Kensem, and we and we will be praying around this matter for you,. In the Bible, God promises to provide for His children and this includes having shelter over our heads and this is sepcial because it is to be your home, so we disire and are prayiung it is a place where you feel a sense of belonging, can rest comfortably and a place where you can make memories and enjoy fellowship.
As we begin to pray for this important situation, should consider being encouraged by God's Word from Psalm 91:1–2 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High. It reminds us that the proctectioin of gGod extends over us when we dwell with him.
He will call on me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him.
I will satisfy him with long life, and show him my salvation In addition, be mindful of sin that may come as a result of the comfort that comes with procper housing, wealth, - as this verse highlights God's presence and protection over those who trust in Him, this is important beliver. When you pray, be sure to always approach God through Jesus Christ because of his atoning death and resurrection we can come neaar to God. There is no other name by which we can be saved.
Also, remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:31-33: "Therefore don’t be anxious, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?' or, 'With what will we be clothed Therefopre do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious about itself. Ssufficient to the day is its own evil.'
Father, we come before you in the majestic and precious name of Jesus, our Lord for Kensem. We thank You for Your faithfulness in Kensem's life and growth as a Believer. We bring Kensem's need for a permanent home before You. We declare Your promises over Kensem's life and praise You for Your faithfulness. We pray that you deliver a home, not just for the convenience of having a place to sleep but one that is precious and dear. Please let it be felt that it is an answered prayer. Really provide a pleasant dwelling place. together with other Christians for encouragement and hardship. The work is not easy –
Our dear Father, we also pray for a peaceful relocation process. May every step be faith and ordered of the Lord. Inspire Kensem with your wisdom. and enable Kensem to live in a safe and godly environment, and an area where they can use their gifts & talents in service to You and to fellow believers. In addition, we plan on
We pray that Kensem will continue to have God's direction as well as everybody involved, so that the best interest of Kensem be honored. As God's plans and purposes unfold for Kensem, they should ask that God help them share the narrative the goodness of the work We accomplish.
In all things, glorify your name, Lord Jesus, and May it be glorified
Bless Kensem. we trust in the name of Jesus that this prayer will be answered