Beloved of All
people (family and those closest to me) put words of bad faith over my life. They told me that I'm ugly and that no one will ever love me and that I will be alone forever and die alone. They said this to make me feel bad, to humiliate me, to embarrass me, to make me think I am unworthy or undeserving, to make me believe I'm ugly and gross, to make me believe I'm unlovable. It was done to control me to be an old maid and take care of my mother until she passes, which is my reality now. These words were also told over my life by my sister who could not allow me to be seen as attractive and desirable to her friends. She could not deal with the fact that I was likeable and that would put her in a shadow. Pls break these curses. I have always attracted men but they never committed to me, they moved on and found someone else. Ironically after they found someone else they wanted to be with me. With that said break the curses said over my life by everyone, the curses of abandonment, rejection, disrespect, humiliation and making me into a fool. When men are with me they say sweet things but when it comes to being serious about a relationship, they run away only to come back again and when they do I will not take them back. Thank you.