Beloved of All
People, especially women, keep reminding me how I should keep being unequally yoked or be celibate indefinitely, because it is what I deserve as a Christian woman with a past. I can hope that someone comes to know Jesus in time who currently isn't born again. No strong in the Lord Christian man is going to accept me, and even if he does, his family probably wouldn't or friends wouldn't, or other Christian women will outshine me in ways that I can't compete: They're purer. They're more innocent. They don't have street smarts. They're more career ambitious or come from a wealthy family. They're younger. They don't have much dysfunction in their families. They are Christians too, but they have those other things that people look at when it comes to marriage. Sometimes it's not enough to be a believer in Christ when it comes to wanting marriage. The Lord can give me the desires of my heart, but sometimes it's hard to believe that he'll give me a marriage unless someone eventually comes to the Lord or there's a Christian man (of my interest) is like a Hosea. I want to marry equally yoked whether someone comes to be born again someday or if a Christian man of my interest actually chooses to marry me someday even if that means to go against some people's wishes. If it is from God, nobody can come between it, but there's going to be a lot of trouble to go through to get there. They wonder why us women get so upset when we are supposed to be in equally yoked marriages, but so few marriages truly are equally yoked. Men generally want Rebecca, Sarah, the Proverbs 31 woman, and such. They don't want Gomer, Rahab, Mary Magdalene, Tamar, and more even though those women are also in the Bible demonstrating the kind of grace the Lord has for us. Even if a man has a past, unless he sins with you before marriage, it usually won't ever lead to marriage. Some men are hypocrites who use women and then marry virgins, and then they want to cheat on these virgin women after they marry them. It's ridiculous. On the other end, Christian men who are actually godly, strong in the Lord, definitely are worthy of the Rebeccas, Sarahs, and Proverbs 31 women, and they are wonderful husbands to those kinds of women. It's just unfortunate that many times women are on the losing end when it comes to wanting an equally yoked marriage if they have baggage of some sort. The Lord is much more forgiving and gracious than people can ever be.