Beloved of All
pelase svae every soul by th epowe rof your HOyl blood. all prias ens glor yan dhOnoruto OYu Lord Jesus Christ. pleas epray of rmy rgandma to be healed and that B has greta birthday and that God help em car eof rmy famiyl and myself. pleas peray i an heale dof diabetes teeth dental flehs be healed ressurecte and organs kidneys and pancreas isnulin. thank you. deformed toes heale dpelase andlaos for grand,a to behelae dof alllll gout of all neurlogical circulatory gut bowel issues eyes blood suagr bloos pressure. pelas enro more flehs eaitng bacteir in our lives Lor dpleas edlieve rmy fmaiyl form all metalblic disorder sinscuoidng hiistamien intolernac eblood diseases and stres flesh eatign bacteria . pelase deliver my grnamd aform dmentia. Lord pleas eldieve rmy whoel fmaiyl form all metbolic bacteria gungus all unclean spiritis that caus eushc htigns. heal our bodie smeotions mentla physicla pelase heal al l of us in every way for oyur glory Lord an dby your power. prais eot you Lord Jeus Christ. prais ereport The LOrd is helaign my favcial bones thanks LYOuLor dan dteeth God is our healer praise to HIm! thnak youfor oyur prayers!4 i love oyu chruhc. Lor dpleas eotuch all peopel who need healign or dleiverance form any kind of evil.