Beloved of All
i jsut wish to be free form my own life. its so hard Lor dhelp me i cant hekp mylesf pelas epleas ei beg you. ijsut ned help. why wont help me. why do i have so extreme challanges. i jsut cna tdo this anymore. Lor dhwer eare oyu i cant od this. opeklas epelas ehelp me tody somehow. i hate haivng all thises probelms. its jsu i dotn even what to pray. Lor dpela shelp me. i want the ophobias ot end i want my mom ehale dof asperger si want helaign of diabetes diabetes type 1 and also cance ris applicabel and lyme diseas ei wan tm ygrandm aheale dof demntia dn all high blos suga rblood pressur ebedriddne for years amll bwoel obsturciotn syndorme.i d lov eot ge tmarrie dand have children but how cna i when i have al thes eillensse. show many battle sod ihave to fight. imtired. Lor drescue me i beg you. show up today with help for me Lor di cant dothis anmore i jsut cant pelase help Lord. i cannot help myelsf anf help ### and dleive rhim form smokign and alchhalul adnalso hela him of apserger syndorm and all who have this help my siste irn law and nephew in womb for helathy strogn babybod ynephew mriaclepelase. dleiv eur sofmr evil. i feel so aloen Lor di knwo vianis the help of man but i really really feel my situaiotn is extrme,. Pleas ehlp me Lord is there anyhope for me GHod help me like you helped that dmeon posessed man adn the itme you dlevered me form dmeons i cry out Lord Abba father help.