Beloved of All
pelas epra yth Lor dheal mye of type diabetes periphera vision to be restored no damage due ot highblos suagr healed teeth feformed feet and helaign for my grandma dleivr form type one diabetes. Lor dpelase provid eme a lovign hsuband who is a joy to be wiht soemoen who i love can trust and vice versa someoen i can liv emy life WITH. i am lonely and suffer form cassandra syndorme. haivng an extrmely ahrd time tkaign care of my need swhie helping my fmialyign cairng for my grandma .Lor dpelas emake ourlives better. if eel stuck unseen for years. pelase give me bakc my Grandma the way she was. pleas emake life more enjoyabel for my fmaiyl someoenhowplease odnt make everyhtign aburdone pelas elt thie rbe joy in my lfie agian .pelas eheal my dads heart valve dleiver himform homlessnes and provide my fmaily the ebst of the best fo every htign. dleive urs ofmr generaitonal curses .pelas epelase giv ema husband who lvoe sme the w yi am not a source of stress of burnden but a pelase ajoy anblessing.soemoen who deonst mind tha tim messy cause its take akk day everday ot clena andim tired. pelas ehla my kidny. Lord i m lonely please dleive rmy brother fom histmiane intoelrance. Lord pelase PLEASE giv em a huband who is wihtme every da ylive siwht spend time wiht me true lvoe ocnenction soemoen WHO WANTST to eb with em soemoen who respects em is lonely jsut as mucha sme.i pwant soemoen who wont make my lfie lvign hell. soemoen to have fun with. soemoen who doenst smoke and drink and puts his guys friends above me. soemoen who is truly my flehs and bone. Lord pelas eldiver me form this awful lonliness. it unbearabel and pleas eprovide for lal my needs