Servant of All
Peace for my family today. in Jesus name. God's mercies are new every morning. Healing virtue in Jesus name, for Mikell, Kati and me. Mild temperance, yielding to the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name. The wisdom to "stand" my ground against the enemy's attacks. Lord, hold me up that I might stand in Your will today, In Jesus name. For, I have met no one, who is able to stand, unless they are of the knowledge & understanding what it is to be of a humble spirit,acknowlegding that YOU are the one holding them up. Your grace is sufficient for me, for YOUR strength, is made perfect in my weakness. O Lord, keep us in "order", for You are a God of Order. Order our steps & words as we speak today. To love an enemy, to pray for those who spitefully would use us. To bless someone that hates us, today. To honor YOU LORD, that "we" might be the children of Our Heavenly Father. To promote no discord, to agree with our enemy quickly, while we are in the way of them, to make "Peace". Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of GOD. May the Sweet, Tender, Spirit of Jesus manifest today within my family. O come Spirit of Truth. We need you Lord.
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