Humble Servant
Heavenly father thanks for the precious gift of prayers I come before you at this time asking for your prayers I am facing a situation in my home and surroundings for year's having to deal with Ronald alcohol abuse and verbal abuse being call all sorts of dirty name I am working tonight for 9 hours when I get home there is Ronald drunk picking arguments with me I don't have the strength dealing with this kind of unhappy and unhealthy situation I just want to laugh and be happy not being sad or wondering if Ronald going to curse me when I get home I don't trust living with this man in my home I heard he is leaving for the carribean in 2 weeks for couple months I pray he would not come back to my home remove the negativity bitterness confusion wickedness from my home at this time sober up Ronald who is drunk remove any plans against me when I get home I have to work tomorrow I am so greaful for the couple hours I am picking up here and there thank you father cover me sheild me please grant me happiness remove the stress and frustration I am facing remove Ronald far away from my home and surroundings in peace and quiet without any confusion rebuke his intentions towards tonight remove it banish it dismantle it break it destroy it cease it silent Ronald in the name of Jesus I plead and pray into your precious hands I place my prayers and petition and pray in Jesus name Amen and Amen