Humble Prayer Warrior
Pastor, as I thank God for creating this forum, I also thank you for your obedience. I'll try to cut short the reason, why this prayer requests, altogether, is a very heavy mountain, which seems to have vowed not to crumble, and be made plain. My Brother Randolp Okonkwo, residing in America, woke up one day in 2018, but couldn't walk. He was rushed to the hospital, and tests showed that he had Prostate Cancer, which has spread. He had had operation in the brain, years back, following brain knockout, due to brain abscess. Now, the team of doctors, who started the treatment for this prostate cancer, as far as I'm concerned, had mismanaged him. This is because, they were aiming at bringing down the PSA, but not treating the cancer, which brought about the high PSA, in the first place. Cancer continued to spread. He came to Nigeria in same 2018, when I came to know of it. So, since September 2018, it's been stormy, and turbulent for me. Pastor, I have been hitting myself hard in prayer and fasting ever since. And the burden has been on me, since he asked me not to tell anyone, including his siblings. Even my husband does not know of this, because I didn't want him to drag my faith to the mud, being a medical doctor. At a point, when the burden was too heavy on me, I told two brothers in church to join me to pray, I also began to go to the church of a pastor, who has a prophetic ministry. But, I left the church, when I saw some arrogance in the pastor, I also clicked online to one bishop with prophetic ministry, to no avail. Meanwhile, my brother was placed on chemotherapy, which he had about six doses, to clear the legions on lungs and head, yet excruciating pain continues. Meanwhile, he had surgery at the back, to remove a piece of bone, which the tumors broke off, but was pressing on the spine, complications followed with collection of fluid at the back, at his feet. After some weeks, with the about two or three times aspirations of the fluid, the fluid collection stopped on its own. There was a time his colour changed. He thought it was due to the medicine he was taking, until he started having shortness of breath. He was rushed to the hospital, only to find out that he had a severe anaemia. He had a blood transfusion, and his colour returned. Meanwhile, excruciating pain continued especially on the right leg. The worst is that he no longer go to the office for work, but he had the privilege to be working from home, he uses walker to be moving about in the house. Apart from heavy doses of hypnotics for pain, he was placed on chemotherapy medication, by another team of doctors, who changed the treatment, excruciating pain never stopped. For more than six months, I've been praying with him and his wife, on WhatsApp calls, Mondays to Fridays, for some time, but they reduced it to three times a week. Meanwhile, he was booked for radiation therapy. It was then I couldn't bear it, and so, I involved my younger sister, with husband, who live at Togo, even though my brother is not aware of that. After three or four radiation therapy, pain did not reduce, and so test showed the nip of bone, broken off by the tumors. And operation was done. November to December 2020, he had ten doses of radiation, yet, nothing to show any improvement, rather, he lost his appetite, terrible weakness descended on him. Pastor, I joined NSPPD, January 10th 2021, through my childhood friend. I started my yearly fast with NSPPD, on the 11yh January. I used to start mine on 1st January every year. But, because I was on antibiotics, following a very bad epistaxis (nose bleeding), I finished the antibiotic on the morning of 10th. I had earlier planned it that way, only for it to be same with NSPPD. And ever since, I have been glued to 7am prayer of NSPPD. I've been connecting myself, my family, my brother to the altar of fire, sending my seed offering through bank transfer, because I reside at Kaduna. I've been sharing the link to many people. I've been listening to testimonies, hearing and watching through video, and I believe with all my heart, that God alone is able to set my brother free, from this evil planting of the devil, and to set our family free from repeated attacks. This is because, as a nurse, I know that God alone can cure cancer. I've been trying to share the NSPPD 7am prayer to him and wife, I have tried all I could, but one day, about a week ago, he told me that he passed stool after four days of no stool. Last week, he woke up and saw that something strange happened. He noticed that he was able to walk, without walker, and was only limping slightly on the right leg. He felt so good, and he cried with joy with his wife. But, excruciating pain continued. He doesn't know why. Pastor, even yesterday, Friday, we couldn't pray because, he said he was feeling bad, and pain continued. Pastor, I have done all I could, yet, my brother is suffering in great pain of cancer since 2018. My youngest brother died of chondrosarcoma, in 1989, when I was not born again. I do not want to lose my brother, now that I'm born again, he is born again, his wife born again. His wife lost her mother in that house, to cancer of the liver. Body was cremated, and sent to China. His wife is Chinese. My brother had gone for CT scan on Wednesday, result not yet out. We need God to intervene in this matter. I have a heart issue and hypertension. My first born child and son, same thing. The second son, the hypertension comes and goes, same with my daughter, whom we noticed on first pregnancy, registered hypertension with pre eclampsia. Second pregnancy, she had it mildly. My husband has hypertension, my eldest sister died of stroke, same with the one following her. My sister in-law has diabetes with her younger brother, and sister. It's been very stormy, and turbulent for me, being the intercessor in the family. Worse still, my brother registered a company is Nigeria, that time he came. Company yet to start bringing forth anything, a company that all my hope is, how can it prosper without my brother's input? My brother will live long, to enjoy the fruits of the labour from the company. And so, I believe that this is my final bus stop. Thanks for your patience in reading this prayer requests, which I tried to cut short, aiming at proving to you, why this is a mountain, that refused to be leveled down.