Prayer Warrior
Lord Jesus,
Your word says it will not turn up void in Isaiah. Isaiah 55:11 ESV 11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
Jesus, I confronted a man in a parking lot yesterday. He was wearing a Catholic clergy clothing top and black slacks. I asked him what he was wearing and if it was his ministry. He said it is Catholic, no he tracts a bit and says Lutheran Light. He is double-minded. He turned his focus on my modest clothing, which was made of different colors. I told him it's a matter of the heart. I asked him if he knew Jesus had brothers and sisters. He said yes mildly as he was walking away from me. He was too busy loading groceries to speak with me, and after he was done I walked next to him while he returned his cart. I asked him if he was Lutheran and if he was aware they married and remarried spouses while the other spouse was still alive. He said yes. I told him it is a sin just like the Old Testament teaches. He tried to convince me he knows more than I do about God. I'm not competing, but I said do you have any idea how much time I spend with him? He wouldn't read or quote Matthew 19:9, made King David's story not seem very important, and he kept ignoring my questions about his stance on what marriage means. He said he didn't have time for this. He said something about Luther. I have read about Luther and told him I am aware he hated Jews (mostly those who called themselves Jews and are not) and that Luther is not an aficionado of scripture. As he went to get into the driver's seat, I told him to meet me at the waters and that more light could be given to the Word of God. He shut the door. I told him he is a coward.
I didn't feel any fear or anything and afterward sat for a while thinking about what just happened.
Lord, I want to put you first in all things. I need you and if it were up to me, I'd live with you and never leave your side.
Your word says it will not turn up void in Isaiah. Isaiah 55:11 ESV 11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
Jesus, I confronted a man in a parking lot yesterday. He was wearing a Catholic clergy clothing top and black slacks. I asked him what he was wearing and if it was his ministry. He said it is Catholic, no he tracts a bit and says Lutheran Light. He is double-minded. He turned his focus on my modest clothing, which was made of different colors. I told him it's a matter of the heart. I asked him if he knew Jesus had brothers and sisters. He said yes mildly as he was walking away from me. He was too busy loading groceries to speak with me, and after he was done I walked next to him while he returned his cart. I asked him if he was Lutheran and if he was aware they married and remarried spouses while the other spouse was still alive. He said yes. I told him it is a sin just like the Old Testament teaches. He tried to convince me he knows more than I do about God. I'm not competing, but I said do you have any idea how much time I spend with him? He wouldn't read or quote Matthew 19:9, made King David's story not seem very important, and he kept ignoring my questions about his stance on what marriage means. He said he didn't have time for this. He said something about Luther. I have read about Luther and told him I am aware he hated Jews (mostly those who called themselves Jews and are not) and that Luther is not an aficionado of scripture. As he went to get into the driver's seat, I told him to meet me at the waters and that more light could be given to the Word of God. He shut the door. I told him he is a coward.
I didn't feel any fear or anything and afterward sat for a while thinking about what just happened.
Lord, I want to put you first in all things. I need you and if it were up to me, I'd live with you and never leave your side.