Beloved of All
Father your word in Hebrew 4:12" says that your word is quick, powerful,
sharper than any two edged sword." I take authority of your word the sword, and
pierce the soul, the spirit, joints and marrows, of every witchcraft powers,
every principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high
places, fiery darts of the enemies, secret enemies, known enemies, familiar
spirits, househouls enemies, and all othe powers of the enemies, that they will
be bind and cast in the abyss forever.
In Jesus name amen we pray
sharper than any two edged sword." I take authority of your word the sword, and
pierce the soul, the spirit, joints and marrows, of every witchcraft powers,
every principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high
places, fiery darts of the enemies, secret enemies, known enemies, familiar
spirits, househouls enemies, and all othe powers of the enemies, that they will
be bind and cast in the abyss forever.
In Jesus name amen we pray