Beloved of All
My Children
I speak words of truth to you now. You are coming to the end of your life upon Earth. All is decaying around you. All about to crumble and fall. The sun has set upon humanity -- the age of man. My Kingdom comes, MY will be done.
All Judgments, all that My prophets and watchmen have spoken shall come to pass now. You shall witness calamities unfold in diverse places at an alarming rate. Catastrophe, violence, devastation and heartache shall be the way of the world now. I will no longer hold back now. I have removed My hand of protection upon the children of men. All will come to know the Mighty wrath of God. It is I, the LORD GOD YHVH who reigns. Mighty shall My works be upon the Earth now.
With my wrath comes a greater outpouring of My spirit. Many shall witness great supernatural wonders and miracles -- they, the lost, shall have experiences that will return them unto Me. Lives shall be changed now -- many shattered, brought to ruin. Those who are not of Me shall experience losses and upheaval, their lives shall never be the same again. Vengeance is Mine. It is I who repays. Justice shall be served now. I bring calamity to save lives. -- the people will return to Me, believe in My Son and honor the LIVING GOD -- the HOLY GOD of ISRAEL.
My Children,
Warn the people of My Son's coming. The Judgment and My that shall be unleashed upon man. Continue to speak My truths, to stand up for Me, My commandments. My righteousness boldly -- without shame. For it is not you that shall be put to shame but they that shall be confounded. The world will come to know the true power and glory of GOD for it is upon you. Every word I have spoken shall come to pass. Every prophecy. Every decrees. You are either for Me or against me. Those against me shall meet a terrible demise. I know the hearts of man, those who return to Me remorsefully - with all sincerity, purity and in truth shall receive Me. All that I am, My Son. But those who refuse to repent, to believe -- those who continue to delight in the ways of the enemy, wickedness -- they shall perish. I have warned, I have shaken and still they refuse Me. They refuse to return to Me, to heed to My calls. Now My fire shall be scorched against them. For many have refused My mercy -- they shall obtain no mercy.
I will continue to raise up prophets and watchmen at this time. More will warn and witness of Me. More will declare the second coming of My Son, the soon rapture of His Bride. I shall raise now spiritual leaders who withhold My truth, whom shall declare My Judgments. My great end time church is upon you. My obedient workers shall withhold the Spirit of Elijah, They shall walk and speak with greater boldness -- a zealousness that has not been seen since the times of old. My glory shall be upon them. In them I will dwell. They will help to bring down the abominable churches of men. They will pave the way for the Return of YESHUA HA MASHIACH.
My children, prepare for extraordinary changes, opportunities and encounters ahead. Many of you will be used in mighty ways. Through you, My will, My power and glory shall manifest. Through you multitudes shall come to Me and be saved. Be ready now. Press into Me, spend time with Me so that I may use you children. It is time to fulfill you destinies. Prepare now. My Son comes quickly. As a consuming fire. Be not afraid children. Those who are of Me, who dwell within Me shall be protected and provided for. You shall not be touched. I warn children, prepare now spiritually, mentally, emotionally and materially for what is at hand. It comes!
I speak words of truth to you now. You are coming to the end of your life upon Earth. All is decaying around you. All about to crumble and fall. The sun has set upon humanity -- the age of man. My Kingdom comes, MY will be done.
All Judgments, all that My prophets and watchmen have spoken shall come to pass now. You shall witness calamities unfold in diverse places at an alarming rate. Catastrophe, violence, devastation and heartache shall be the way of the world now. I will no longer hold back now. I have removed My hand of protection upon the children of men. All will come to know the Mighty wrath of God. It is I, the LORD GOD YHVH who reigns. Mighty shall My works be upon the Earth now.
With my wrath comes a greater outpouring of My spirit. Many shall witness great supernatural wonders and miracles -- they, the lost, shall have experiences that will return them unto Me. Lives shall be changed now -- many shattered, brought to ruin. Those who are not of Me shall experience losses and upheaval, their lives shall never be the same again. Vengeance is Mine. It is I who repays. Justice shall be served now. I bring calamity to save lives. -- the people will return to Me, believe in My Son and honor the LIVING GOD -- the HOLY GOD of ISRAEL.
My Children,
Warn the people of My Son's coming. The Judgment and My that shall be unleashed upon man. Continue to speak My truths, to stand up for Me, My commandments. My righteousness boldly -- without shame. For it is not you that shall be put to shame but they that shall be confounded. The world will come to know the true power and glory of GOD for it is upon you. Every word I have spoken shall come to pass. Every prophecy. Every decrees. You are either for Me or against me. Those against me shall meet a terrible demise. I know the hearts of man, those who return to Me remorsefully - with all sincerity, purity and in truth shall receive Me. All that I am, My Son. But those who refuse to repent, to believe -- those who continue to delight in the ways of the enemy, wickedness -- they shall perish. I have warned, I have shaken and still they refuse Me. They refuse to return to Me, to heed to My calls. Now My fire shall be scorched against them. For many have refused My mercy -- they shall obtain no mercy.
I will continue to raise up prophets and watchmen at this time. More will warn and witness of Me. More will declare the second coming of My Son, the soon rapture of His Bride. I shall raise now spiritual leaders who withhold My truth, whom shall declare My Judgments. My great end time church is upon you. My obedient workers shall withhold the Spirit of Elijah, They shall walk and speak with greater boldness -- a zealousness that has not been seen since the times of old. My glory shall be upon them. In them I will dwell. They will help to bring down the abominable churches of men. They will pave the way for the Return of YESHUA HA MASHIACH.
My children, prepare for extraordinary changes, opportunities and encounters ahead. Many of you will be used in mighty ways. Through you, My will, My power and glory shall manifest. Through you multitudes shall come to Me and be saved. Be ready now. Press into Me, spend time with Me so that I may use you children. It is time to fulfill you destinies. Prepare now. My Son comes quickly. As a consuming fire. Be not afraid children. Those who are of Me, who dwell within Me shall be protected and provided for. You shall not be touched. I warn children, prepare now spiritually, mentally, emotionally and materially for what is at hand. It comes!