My dear soul, do not despair. You are not the only one who Satan is attacking. I sit for hours with my own son, who also is in such pain and confusion. Though he loves the Lord and has not turned away, though he has lived a pure and godly life, he dose not understand why it feels as though God has deserted him. I will tell you as I do Him. God is right there by your side. He loves and cherishes you so much, that he refines you in the fires of His love. What may look like misery today will soon break into a light of glorious joy. Do not despair dear one, hold fast in your faith, in your love for him, in knowledge and confidence that all things work toward the good of those who have their eyes fixed on him.
Satan desires to destroy or faith. He snares us with lies and twisting of the truth. But you know your God. He is a God that stood at the door of your heart ever knocking for entrance, patient and kindly asking you to let him in. How long did he wait for you to open that door? He entered your life and began to mold the clay before him into a glorious vessel for Him. But as all good vessels formed from the clay it must go through the oven to give it substance, strength and tenacity. Now he asks you to go through the fire, to sit quiet with Him, trust Him that when it is finished, great will be the reward that awaits you.
Stand with Him dear one, trust him with all your heart for He will never forsake or leave you. He loved you enough to give you His precious Son to die in your stead. Would He do this to abandon you to despair and hopelessness? Still your heart and your thoughts, reach out to Him in faith and know that He is God, and will bless you according to His riches in Glory. But for a bit you may suffer, but His love will envelope you and the blessings that will come from the refining will far out weigh the suffering you have now.
I pray that Gods grace and peace will carry you through these times of trouble. That He will give you His faith that you might stand strong and faithful. In Jesus Name, Amen