Beloved of All
Father God, humbled we kneel before you, exulting your Holy name, praising you for all you have done, are doing and shall do, forever we praise you.
Father we press in, we storm the heavens, we boldly enter your courts, and humbled we kneel before your throne and expectantly we petition your courts, that it is well with our souls.
Father we press in to touch your robe, trusting your care in all matters that concern us, together we lift one another up for these matters concern us and trouble us and we seek your divine help. This unjust world seeks justice for our mistakes, Father we press in, and seek justice also, that the forgiveness of heaven touches us also on earth. Father we no longer succumb to this world but kneel in submission to Heaven, your Kingdom, we refuse to perish because we lack knowledge, no we have knowledge, and we are calling upon You, believing. These chains are broken and the cell doors are opened, as it is in heaven. It is written, to seek the Kingdom of God first, we are here seeking your Kingdom, we are storming the gates and we refuse to turn back, away from You or Your Kingdom. We are pressing in, as one, pressing in, for we believe, and we will not stop, Your Kingdom come. To your Glory, we pray in the powerful name of Christ our Lord, Amen and Amenย ย If two or more touch anything, pray together, trust and in faith believe, Our Father will provide.
Father we press in, we storm the heavens, we boldly enter your courts, and humbled we kneel before your throne and expectantly we petition your courts, that it is well with our souls.
Father we press in to touch your robe, trusting your care in all matters that concern us, together we lift one another up for these matters concern us and trouble us and we seek your divine help. This unjust world seeks justice for our mistakes, Father we press in, and seek justice also, that the forgiveness of heaven touches us also on earth. Father we no longer succumb to this world but kneel in submission to Heaven, your Kingdom, we refuse to perish because we lack knowledge, no we have knowledge, and we are calling upon You, believing. These chains are broken and the cell doors are opened, as it is in heaven. It is written, to seek the Kingdom of God first, we are here seeking your Kingdom, we are storming the gates and we refuse to turn back, away from You or Your Kingdom. We are pressing in, as one, pressing in, for we believe, and we will not stop, Your Kingdom come. To your Glory, we pray in the powerful name of Christ our Lord, Amen and Amenย ย If two or more touch anything, pray together, trust and in faith believe, Our Father will provide.