Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
Over time, I have known a person or 2 who I thought might be demon possesed, or at least influenced by an unclean spirit, and since Christians have the Gift Of Disernment, maybe you guys can see something in the Spirit if this might be the case. For now, let's take 1 of them, my aunt.She "flips out" when the word Christian or the name Jesus Christ is mentioned, and goes on a whole speech about all that's wrong with Christianity and why she can never accept it.Also, she goes out of her way to call Jesus, "Jesus the son of Mary and Joseph" to avoid calling Him the son of God.I wonder, this hostility towards Christians, is guilt over she knows it"s the truth and is resisting it, pride, or is the Spirit showing you it's an unclean spirit/The average unsaved person tells you they don't accept, then walks away, but because she shows such great hostility, that's what makes me wonder.What's the motivation between her hatred of Christians?{If you mention other religions, she might calmly disagree and move on, but she only reacts this way about Christians. Any clues?