For You o Lord are glorious and worthy of all praise, all honor and all glory. Our souls should magnify Your name every single day of our lives. The Lamb upon the throne deserves all the praises of His people. Our spirit should rejoice in our heavenly Father who cares and love us with an everlasting love. Who is watching over us? How far does His holy presence go around the world? Jesus, what a wonder You are. Reaching us with Your love, We can hear Your voice calling us day and night. Come unto me and find peace, joy and hapiness. In My presence there is fullness of joy. O people of God, come... let us all magnify the Lord with me. Let us exalt His name together. Let all that seek You Rejoice. Because He regards the humility of all His children. Come, let us magnify the Lord, Who is all goodness, all kindness, all mercy. He will hear us from heaven and aswer all our prayers. Why? Because His ears are open to hear our all the needs we have.