Humble Prayer Partner
Our son, Ron Weymouth is now at Cedars Sinai Transplant Center in Los Angeles having an ECO heart Stress test and he must pass this to be kept on the Transplant Program...his only hope of a life-saving surgery for his end-stage liver disease. He had heart palpation's and erratic heart beats when they tried this before and had to cancel the procedure. Please pray God is in total control right now as he is again trying to take this test and he will pass it with no complications. Please pray for God's Peace to be with him and keep him from all anxiety. We are trusting God for his life to be saved according to His will. Thank you for praying with us at this time. God bless each one who is sharing this burden with us.
Thank you.
Mellie Weymouth for Ron Weymouth
Thank you.
Mellie Weymouth for Ron Weymouth