Divine glory shall shine all over the place when we see our dear Savior coming down from His holy throne to take us all home to heaven. Majestic being, full of angels singing praises to Him.
I sing praises to Your name o Lord,
Praises to your name.
For Your name is great and greatly to be praised.
We will give glory to Your name o Lord.
Glory to Your name o Lord.
For Your name is great and greatly to be praised.
We can and always will sing praises to Jesus, our dear Lord, for Him who gave Himself, dying on the cross to find salvation and joy in Him alone. As you pray to Him, praise and adore His holy name. We can also praise and honor to God by doing this.
A. Doing a good deeds for others.
B. Sharing Jesus with the lost.
C. By helping build new churches in area there is none.
D. Helping missionaries share Jesus in other countries.
E. By reading His word and obeying what it says.
Praise to God shall be given to Him anywhere we are, just remembering that we shall see Him any time soon. Glorifying the Lord shall come out from a thankful heart who loves Him with all their heart, mind and soul.
It is a not a plume in an icy wind.
That Jesus do know about.
He knows your heart.
He knows the deepest desire of your heart.
He wants you to find peace down deep in your soul.
Happiness and joy in life.
Just let Him in your life,
Then wonderful things shall happen.
Peace I leave unto you, not as the world giveth you. Let not your hearts be in trouble nor let it be afraid.
John 14:27
I sing praises to Your name o Lord,
Praises to your name.
For Your name is great and greatly to be praised.
We will give glory to Your name o Lord.
Glory to Your name o Lord.
For Your name is great and greatly to be praised.
We can and always will sing praises to Jesus, our dear Lord, for Him who gave Himself, dying on the cross to find salvation and joy in Him alone. As you pray to Him, praise and adore His holy name. We can also praise and honor to God by doing this.
A. Doing a good deeds for others.
B. Sharing Jesus with the lost.
C. By helping build new churches in area there is none.
D. Helping missionaries share Jesus in other countries.
E. By reading His word and obeying what it says.
Praise to God shall be given to Him anywhere we are, just remembering that we shall see Him any time soon. Glorifying the Lord shall come out from a thankful heart who loves Him with all their heart, mind and soul.
It is a not a plume in an icy wind.
That Jesus do know about.
He knows your heart.
He knows the deepest desire of your heart.
He wants you to find peace down deep in your soul.
Happiness and joy in life.
Just let Him in your life,
Then wonderful things shall happen.
Peace I leave unto you, not as the world giveth you. Let not your hearts be in trouble nor let it be afraid.
John 14:27