Good and Faithful Servant
Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven hallowed be thy name give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thyne is the kingdom and power and glory forever. Lord I put these evil people up to your alter to be judged and done with what you will. who do this to my head and ears. Which is the same thing I just said about some girl or women who's trying to manipulate my brain and my faith. Lord you can hear them balk and defend themselves over something they ought not to be doing in the first place. It's not a game as you may hear in this. This is persecution for who and what I am which is a Christian. I may not follow traditions of man, but I follow your word as closely as I know how to. But lord I still put these evil people up to your alter. Video link
To those that listen this is recorded with all sound off in the house using my computer and some software that does pretty good at times to pick up these evil gangstalkers! I ask for agreement in this and if you disagree kindly don't bother! Gangstalkers are evil they kill people with technology and or other means they harrass people until they break and or kill or kill themselves. If they can't do that then they kill their targets by making things look like an accident. They are criminals their plot is to depopulate the earth using their technology but they enjoy hurting people. They believe that since most wont believe in the people who report them will be believed that they can do their violent acts with impunity. They need stopped by any means possible. I did nothing but live out my life being the best husband I can with what I have and can offer. doing things as normal as I can be. But this stuff hit me last year so I've been suffering at their hands since. Although I stopped letting their god Lucifer own me they've been working harder than ever to make me fear and be paranoid at their lies. So I fight with noise music and peoples voices being pumped into my brain and ear daily. This is not mental illness at least I'm not but that's what their trying to do to me. So please pray in some form of agreement. AMEN!