Lots of people want to have more money, more material possessions, more power and freedom. All these things are going to pass away just as a cloud in the sky comes along and then disappears. But those who trust in Jesus will find true rest and peace because we know where we came from and where we are going.
Every breath we are taking.
It is given to us by the Lord.
Life is a gift that comes from heaven.
He has given.
He will take away.
But emptiness and joyless life.
Grips our soul.
We must look up.
Find true rest in Him.
Who has given us life.
Every breath we have.
Should be to the glory of God.
He is the Ruler of earth.
He rules our life as well.
Only God can set in our hearts eternity and feeling that we belong to those eternal blessings Jesus has given to all of us. So, let us all remember that our ultimate aim in life is not to be healthy, or wealthy, prosperous and problem-free on earth. Our ultimate aim in our personal life is to bring glory to God while we have breath and to be a blessing to those we see every day.
The eternal God is our refuge, and His everlasting arms are under you.
Deut. 33.27a
Every breath we are taking.
It is given to us by the Lord.
Life is a gift that comes from heaven.
He has given.
He will take away.
But emptiness and joyless life.
Grips our soul.
We must look up.
Find true rest in Him.
Who has given us life.
Every breath we have.
Should be to the glory of God.
He is the Ruler of earth.
He rules our life as well.
Only God can set in our hearts eternity and feeling that we belong to those eternal blessings Jesus has given to all of us. So, let us all remember that our ultimate aim in life is not to be healthy, or wealthy, prosperous and problem-free on earth. Our ultimate aim in our personal life is to bring glory to God while we have breath and to be a blessing to those we see every day.
The eternal God is our refuge, and His everlasting arms are under you.
Deut. 33.27a