Prayer Warrior
hello everyone! i want to say thank you so much for giving me a bit of your time as so many of you do on this site. my ostomy problems have improved *slightly*, as in I have been capable of keeping my ostomy bag adhered to my body for 2 days, instead of under 1 day! but something else also happened- something incredible that is the stuff of wishes coming true,,, and i just had to share it to show the power of prayer and reaching out to such a merciful and giving God- as after sending my prayer request- i had gotten on call with a casual friend, and i began to complain about my ostomy bag issues (my ostomy bag had actually started to leak on call with her), she was very kind and i appreciated being treated with such kindness despite my more "*taboo*"/TMI medical issues. anyways.. the next day, in the late afternoon,- i found out that someone anonymously paid for a 40$ ostomy belt/wrap that is on an online wishlist that i created (despite it being anonymous.. I'm fairly certain it may be the friend who i had been talking to the night prior),- which was amazing to find out and felt like a huge blessing from God happening from my prayers and pleads- despite in the moment it feeling like it happened to me out of the blue- receiving that large amount of money. but anyways- the final blessing from God that sent me into joyful hysterical gratitude- was that I went onto the website that has that ostomy belt/wrap- and they sell an ostomy accessory that I have never heard of before- it's like a small plastic dome that you place on top of your bag, and it places pressure on the ostomy bag, but not on top of the stoma itself- basically, it's like a little "stoma shield" to allow the stoma to "pop out" instead of sinking into the bag, thus causing leaking under the bag adhesive- and THIS might be just what I need to improve my ostomy bag longevity! and it will only be an extra 18$ which i am able to afford! ostomy stuff is terrifyingly expensive at times, so this product is an absolute steal if it works!! and I am very hopeful that it will. and it truly felt like God guided me to find this... and it feels incredible. my sincere apologies if any part of this was confusing to read or i wasn't the most descriptive in praising my all-mighty God and my Lord Jesus, I am very tired and writing this in the very late night haha. but I had to put this story out there that- because while it can be frustrating to not receive an "answer" right away, or an answer that is not what we desire- that always hears and ALWAYS will answer your prayers. it is up to you to surrender to trust that whatever answer you receive, is somehow what you were meant to get at this very moment! I know it can feel so hopeless to be waiting for an answer that we really desire for, and that is ok! we are human, and I believe that we should bring all of our grief to God, and that our emotions can transform us,- that God can will our emotions to transform us. anyways. thank you for reading my friends. goodnightοΈ.