Beloved of All
or dpelas eintervene int he live sof htose hwo ar eocnstantly over worked. if something satanic is behind this please remove whatever evil is makign peopel over work. pelase Lord let everyoen have a life of moderaiton oenoguh work enough rest enought time with their fmialies and time with OYu above all. pelase let their be clear boundaries of item for all epopel. pelase also if my spouse or fmaily is wverworkd becaus eof the deivl pelas eremove all curses and devils and witschcraft if tha ti sbhidn the caus eof the overwork. pelas elaos get rid of all the pest isn the house make it easier to clean this house. pelase odnt el the house be damges. pelase takes away all propblems wiht this property mould pests. please make cargiinv for my grandma a tirllisn tiems easier for me and my mom as well. pealse brign hrealign and refrshment in my fmialieys lives . pelase oyu are our God our dleiverer. pelase help us int hese areas i pray htis fo rlal peopel too. pelas ehela al ontishs site pelase forgiv eour sisn ands and the issn of our forefathers by the blood of Chirst our everasitng covenant oru interscessor. For His sake pleas ehlp us Lord plea se. alos ims o tire of triyn gto prove myself tha ti m doign my best . pelas egv emy relativ emepathy .pela sie feel so controleld by them. please help them Lord God. the pressur ei sis too much help me Lor di dotn wanan ge till or anyhtign even mroe pelas hela my kidneys and i type 1 diabetes and flehs eatign bacteria pelase rmeove form me forver so it doesnt come back. I prasie YOu Lord i giv eoyu thanks YOu ar emy help my hope dleiverr teahc me your ways an giv eme eternal dleiverance me and my fmaily form alle vil. Pleas einterve in my fmaily lif ein amajor way. send holy angels ot minister to us. pelase rmeove the causes of oru sicknesses and ilnesses. pelase do not let the devil have any holy on me or my fmaily or form spouses and therri fmialy blod lines. aksign the Lor dto intervene. im 33 i would liek to be married have a spouse f my own a hoem of my own wiht hIm wherver God want sus to be and do the work that God want sus to do. i aks the Lor dpelase Lord i ask for htis in the namoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. pleas ehal all my fmaiyl and giv em my own spouse too lord Jeus Chirst. pelas heal my spouse save HIm by Chirst salvaiton. join us tocoem one flesh this yea rif oyu are willing as well hela my grandma Lor dpelas ena dlal familyLor dpleas eint he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chris.t pelase rmeove the deivl out of my fmailiys timemanagement out of our thoughts midns emitons bodies and for lalpeope too. forc eus to do your WIll Lord Jeus Chirst andhelp us alogn the way. take away my lonliness and Lord help mmy grandma. giv elal my fmialy memebrs a merry heart today. please hela my grandmas brian so she can move on her oen. OYr u Glory by YOur power lord Jues Chirs. tpleas eprotect my parents form alle ivl pleas ehla my dads spianl fracture heis emotions. send trilliosn of holy angels toministe rto all peopel regaurding the Lord's IWll for our lives. HElp us hear YOur Vie and obey OYur voice only Lord jue sChirst forgiv em sisn. dleive rme form every fals eway. please expose the lie sof the devil. If ___ Ifs not my husband pelas etake the idea out of my head by tongiht Lor dpelase help pint his area Lord. i dont wan be deicevd ever ygaian. pelase help me to marry the may oyu have made me for if YOu are WIllign lor dint henamoe fthe Lord Jeus chirs t thnak you Lord.