Prayer Warrior
Lord thanks for your love, l ask for forgiveness
where l have done wrong in my words and thoughts, ooh lord never desert me without you am nothing and my enemies are they to laugh at me, l deeply call upon you grant a hand that heals at my mum let her get healed from typhoid that disturbs, Asainophious woman can at you you said your child is healed because of your faith, lord am to faithful that you can make it for by your will, make her stronger, and courageous, grant her wisdom and love to be their for us as her children, enemies are many settings traps for us but ooh my lord l know we shall overcome because l praise the living LORD who sent His only son to die for me. Bless my sisters and brothers by granting the wisdom and knowledge in everything they are doing let them acknowledge that your Name is the special one . I humbly also grant you my dad change his heart to a loving dad let's us not regret of his existence but we see goodness of us finding him their, l deeply get you my uncle Jonas let him act Godly , rub tears of people he has made them to shed and grant forgiveness to him by letting him understand that he is doing evil by your will... I deeply give you myself bless me in exams am starting on Monday and bless my classmates to let us acquire success always by your love. I pray believing in your name through Jesus Christ Amen