Faithful Servant
Oh Yahushua, son of Yahuwah, the creator of all impossible things, I know that you do not keep a record of time under the Gregorian calendar as you regard it as a false calendar. Only a true account of time is kept under your luni-solar calendar. And only you really know the true length of time that I remain at home unemployed within the spirit realm. Please while I am doing my spiritual work, do not continue to turn your face away, ignore me, forget me, nor treat me like a stranger. You already know my situation. Trampled into the ground. Struggling to remain afloat. Actions do speak much louder than words. Step in, intervene and find out what is really going on from the spirit world.
Open up the right career doors of job opportunity so that clients looking for candidates can find me as the right candidate matching their job descriptions and invite me to more virtual interviews to discuss the roles that they are trying to fill. May I accept and take full advantage of the opportunities available to me so that I can perform successfully throughout the virtual interview process and gain valuable feedback and the next steps towards offers of full-time, permanent employment based on remote working that you want me to have and that I can choose to accept. Amen.
Open up the right career doors of job opportunity so that clients looking for candidates can find me as the right candidate matching their job descriptions and invite me to more virtual interviews to discuss the roles that they are trying to fill. May I accept and take full advantage of the opportunities available to me so that I can perform successfully throughout the virtual interview process and gain valuable feedback and the next steps towards offers of full-time, permanent employment based on remote working that you want me to have and that I can choose to accept. Amen.
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