Faithful Servant
Oh Yahshua, son of the most high and powerful Abba who is my high priest and who is the way, the truth and the life, I ask you what words or actions did I do which are written in the book of remembrance today? I most humbly and sincerely confess and repent of all my sins and shortcomings that I've ever said and done in my life as I have fallen well short of the divine standards of the spiritual laws, rules and principles written in the holy word that you and Abba have set. I am not worthy as your child but I believe that you died on the tree so that I can be saved from the pit of hell and eternal damnation through acceptance and obedience of your spiritual laws, rules and principles given through Abba. You know that I have really messed up. I've failed... I've learned the lesson and WHEN I become a huge success that failure is going to make for one hell of a story. My best is yet to come! I know that I am capable of anything. I pray for spiritual discernment, wisdom, mind renewal and success as I listen to your still voice and only your spiritual voice to my heart and mind and not to the many voices sent by the enemy. While I am not working in the natural world for the time being, I ask that my character and attitude will change spiritually so that I will re-emerge as a different person with a love of the truth in your holy word. I believe in Team Abba - the beginning of a new chapter for me going forward regardless what others may privately and secretly say about me because I know that your oven-baked and ready plan has already been spiritually executed by you on my behalf as I have absolutely ZERO, ZERO control of my circumstances. I cannot turn back the clock of my life but I can move forward by continuously feeding on the spiritual food that you gave me to eat for my good. I know that all things will come to good for those who love you and put their trust in you. I know your oven-baked and ready plan is currently going through its natural course through many sources spiritually chosen by you and will come to fruition. You are seldom early but you are never, never, never, ever late. Yahshua, son of the most high Abba, I bless you, I honour you and I praise you in the mighty name of Abba who is my creator. Amen!