Faithful Servant
Oh Yahshua son of Almighty Abba in the heavenly realm, I prayed for a new start and a fresh beginning using my skill sets and experience. Back at the bottom of the unemployment pit of hopelessness, I spent a long time (several months) with a lot of careful thought about myself as a person regarding what I enjoy doing best what skill sets and experience I already possessed and how I could get back into the workplace. I waited patiently until my prayer request laid at your feet was left unanswerable, attempted to get up and fell, waited patiently again, attempted to make an effort to get up but fell yet again. Your spiritual promises already made in the unseen spiritual world did not happen as it was supposed to in the physical world. That was my daily struggle faced every day at home as unemployed with my family because of the global curse of Covid-19 which left mark of infections, long Covid and more avoidable human death throughout this year. Despite all the effort that I made with viewing new opportunities, sending applications for suitable roles online, many businesses were forced to put these roles on hold mainly because of business uncertainty due to rising local Covid-19 infections. So for me 2020 has been a horrible year, a stain which that I prefer to write off for so many reasons. I still wait for your deferred promises to be delivered and fulfilled in the physical world from the unseen spiritual world. You have watched with your eyes from the unseen spiritual world how my daily life throughout this dry season has been going more downhill than uphill as a struggle due to the unclean spirits from the evil kingdom of darkness which altered my my attitude thus causing me to wounding myself by repeatedly and continuously "miss the mark". Now that the darkness of coldest winter has arrived and I think deeply over this year, let this be my opportunity to begin a new conversation through your word in my new Bible to gain a much better understanding of my purpose, of my direction, and my immediate next steps by following my spiritual-to-do list every morning as you originally instructed me to do. I rebuke and break in the name of Yahshua all generational curses in my family line, all strongholds and unclean monitoring spirits sent by SATAN from his kingdom of darkness. I have given up rebelling against you the divine sovereign creator by stop making excuses to my wife and daughters knowing that you know and see everything and that you speak through my two daughters. I ask that you, the son and high priest of the Almighty Abba who sits on the throne in heaven to remove from my life the clutter that has misplaced where my focus should be which is towards the things of you in the mighty name of Abba Father and of Ruach Ha'Kodesh, the holy spirit. Amen!