I am praying God to re alive the love I had with my partner. I love her so much and I wished to spend my life with her. I am praying God to bring her back to her senses and she calls or text me back that she would like us to get back together. Praying this through the son Jesus Christ and the...
Hello God, Why I am alive, it's so painful. Tell me what you want me to do?? because I do fail in everything i start, there must me a different work that you have planed for me. Tell me today because I am loosing my mind and struggling to keep myself together. KILL ME OR TELL ME
I really shouldn’t be alive in this body that lusts after sin from so many accidents and heart attacks but Glory be to Jesus I am still here with you all, my Brothers and Sisters! I usually start out my prayers with Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus seeing and believing in advance but today I’m...