Beloved of All
Oh Living God, My Heavenly Father, Do not let them say we have hindered God's Word from coming to pass. We have hindered divine justices from being done on the Earth. By our horns have we achieved this and by our money did we do this. Do not let them say, of our wills have we allowed God's Will to come to pass. If we didn't allow it, He couldn't have done what He planned to do. By our horns did achieve this. Do not let them say that we have given him a second chance. We gave that chance to do what God wanted him to do. By our horns did we achieve this. God of all flesh, Arise to plead against all those hindering my justice which is Your Will written in the book of the Covenant. Break the rods of wickedness and disarm the sceptres of rulers which are against Your Word from coming to pass. Let it be known throughout the world that Your Hand has obtained Your justices and Your arm has wrought all that You have planned to do in my life whether it be promises or prophecies. Let them see it just like all saw it when they were going about to hinder it. I shall have a double portion. I shall sing this song: “the Lord has broken the horns that were against my justices and now I have rest declaring praise of God.” In the name of the lord Jesus Christ Amen.