How glorious, how great is our God who reings on high heavens.
Dazzling with light among the angels.
Stock of David,
Royal offspring.
Jesus is the churches one foundation.
She is His new creation.
By water and by word.
From heaven came down and sought her.
To be His holy bride.
With His own Blood He bought her,
And for her life He died.
Father of all lights,
May Your holy flame overshadow our lives.
May the sacred flame of the Holy Spirit,
Overwhelm our lives,
Fill us with your love,
Grant us the light that shine before us.
To Thee alone humbly we come.
Hear us we pray.
Answer all our prayers.
Dazzling with light among the angels.
Stock of David,
Royal offspring.
Jesus is the churches one foundation.
She is His new creation.
By water and by word.
From heaven came down and sought her.
To be His holy bride.
With His own Blood He bought her,
And for her life He died.
Father of all lights,
May Your holy flame overshadow our lives.
May the sacred flame of the Holy Spirit,
Overwhelm our lives,
Fill us with your love,
Grant us the light that shine before us.
To Thee alone humbly we come.
Hear us we pray.
Answer all our prayers.