Faithful Servant
Oh holy one, you are sinless, pure, omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (all-present), and omnibenevolent (all-good) eternal and sovereign creator of the unseen spiritual world and physical world. I have lost my motivation to pursue my dreams. Once I was extremely motivated to achieve what I wanted. I was making progress and taking giant steps forward. I believed that I could achieve anything. All I had to do was believe it was possible. Then all of a sudden.....that motivation started fading away. Not so long ago, I was inspired and passionate about my goals. But now, those days are gone. Now my daily life is doing the same things, staying at home, and facing the same old issues on my own for over 350 days (11 months, 16 days) of the UK Covid-19 public health crisis. My situation during this time period has not changed. But it has been very challenging. No work, living on universal credit as reduced income, both my wife and myself unemployed, no success of progressing opportunities into job offers. What changed was more emphasis on virtual interviews with prospective employers. My attitude still remain the same which is why you don't want to speak with me. Now it has become apparent that I will be asked by employers if I've taken the vaccine or not. There are only two options left open to me; one, that any position offered by prospective employers will have to be home based for the foreseeable future or two, return back to full employment after the UK Covid alert level has come down to one which some businesses are not prepared to wait once they are allowed to reopen. The only good experience was that I carried myself well in the virtual interviews going forward. Now the letter inviting me to book an appointment to take my Covid-19 vaccination I have put it away and allow you to decide in your own time. I don't know if this situation is working in my favour. When is this wealth of the wicked that has been stored up going to be transferred to the righteous? Has the fountains of the deep already broken now that it is spring after enduring so much failure, so much setbacks, so much disappointments? Have you completed my training for human endurance and suffering by giving the Enemy the authority to go forth, touch, delay and destroy as he likes with his spiritual attacks and generational curses while you stand and watch? Is this the spiritual warfare game? I place my prayer at your feet and ask for spiritual clearance to allow it to reach you without interference from earth but that it will be holy and acceptable to you in the name of your son Yahshua. Amen!
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