Disciple of Prayer
Oh Heavenly father I come to you about my love for my Girlfriend Janet Gbalaja yes I know she is a pure woman A pure black strong black woman yes I know she lost both of her parents both Mother in father in her best friend in I know she is a orphan in yes I know she is a pure virgin yes she have a adopted daughter in yes she have a little dog by the name of Dior in yes she is juggling two jobs simultaneously in yes she is very beautiful in loveble in kind-hearted person with a whole lot of dreams in accomplishments and things of that nature I come to you Jesus Christ to ask of you to Go to her in wrap your holy arms around her in give her the things that she's been asking about since last year in she never got in that her payments she money her money that she's been working blood sweat in teared over for the last year in this year now!! It's don't not take this long for a beautiful black woman to get paid her benefits her payments in things of that nature It's not none of my business in it should not be of my concern or concerns... But when you treat someone wrong in you know it when it becomes a little problem for me IAM sorry God IAM sorry father IAM an Aries man in I have feelings just like the next person that's just who I am as a man a child of you a beautiful gentle man that just how IAM sorry but I refuse to just set back in let people treat other people wrong in people disrespect other people just nasty rude and disrespectful just because there's something wrong in the world and there's something in the world that is a pandemic coronavirus and other things of that nature that involves with a person being disrespected and not having respect for a person that is trying to make it in this world in trying to do the things that they want and things of that nature. I just want people to treat people with respect in love in beautiful Joy please Jesus Christ forgive me of how I feel about Janet Gbalaja situation in situations I want my Girlfriend Janet Gbalaja to be happy in feel happy Jesus Christ you know.. Um... I just want my Girlfriend of 2-3 years I know of to be happy that's all. God Jesus Christ please go in bless in make big miracles happen for My Girlfriend Janet Gbalaja to make it though this impossible situation that is going God I want to touch the people minds in bless the hands of the people who Janet Gbalaja is talking with in make up there minds about fixing the mistakes that this coronavirus covid-19 pandemic in any other things that are in the way of her getting her money and things of that nature fix everything that is broken in the system Where Janet Gbalaja is at make a way out of no way for the people who is working in completing in fix what is was wrong in fix in make everything right that is missing from every situation and everything in the system which is where she is at make everything that here company Management in people in that office in everybody that is working with Janet Gbalaja in giving her the full a amount of all of her payment's in paid in full all of her debts in bills and whatever else that she owes that is going on where she is at in for no more of debts in bills in other things that is on her back in other things that is concerning with paid in full of all of her Oweings and debts the cancel out Paid in full. Pay Janet Gbalaja all of her payment's that is missing in give Janet Gbalaja all in I mean all of Janet Gbalaja's payment's that she have been Missing since the beginning., Make Everything right from mistakes in the system from people owing her money over there where she's at to all of her bosses that is working with her and every single piece of money that is been missing since the beginning everything owed to her Right now Amen.