Faithful Servant
Oh Abba Father, you are sinless, pure, omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (all-present), and omnibenevolent (all-good) eternal and sovereign creator of the unseen spiritual world and physical world. Today after much deliberation, my wife has confirmed that I am now happy to accept an invitation to a virtual Interview by any client provided that any opportunity discussed is 100% remote working from home. I now feel a mental blockage have been removed from off conscious and subconscious mind thus allowing me to proceed and go forward. It's been such a relief! You already know that I am interested in new opportunities provided that they are 100% remote working from home. Clients, site visits and face-to-face meetings while the national lockdown remain without easing is not something that I wish to participate in at this time. I am happy to continue with my spiritual work as per your instructions while waiting for your foolish plan which is wiser than the wisest of human plans to play out. Please re-energise my job search and deferred career going forward after it was temporarily halted. I place my prayer at your feet and ask for spiritual clearance to allow it to reach you without interference from earth but that it will be holy and acceptable to you in the name of your son Yahshua. Amen!