Faithful Servant
Oh Abba Father, you are sinless, pure, omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (all-present), and omnibenevolent (all-good) eternal and sovereign creator of the unseen spiritual world and physical world. You store all the spiritual bank accounts of abundant blessings and rewards throughout all human generations.
I come before you on my knees before your throne in the presence of your son and high priest Yahshua who is always pleading my cause at your right hand side of your throne within your holy temple. Help me to locate and destroy any spiritual disease in my mind.
I am asking you to destroy the spiritual stronghold of confusion in my life, every seat of confusion, every storm of confusion, every cloud of confusion, every evil attack on my mind be defeated, every sting of fear and failure be released and all entities responsible for not recalling my dreams and not understanding my dreams.
It's time for you to come and wake up, shake up and rock my spiritual health support system. You have already chosen me within the spiritual realm and have spent 56 years of my life chasing after me. I want to change. You already know that I have potential.
I don’t know why this is all happening, but one thing I know for sure, something GREAT, HUGE, AMAZING, SOMETHING WAY BIGGER THAN ME is going to come out of this, because I’m not going through all this stuff for nothing! I do not know what your divine purpose and desire have been for me all these years within the spiritual. I'm ready and willing for you to wake up, shake and flush my spiritual health support system by the presence and exposure by the holy spirit.
Please, please, I beg you to re-activate all my lost dreams stolen by the Enemy. Please reprogram both my conscious and subconscious mind. I now confess I shall recall and understand every dream from this point forward in the tried, tested and proven name of your son, Yahshua, I place my prayer at your feet and ask that it is acceptable to you. Amen!
I come before you on my knees before your throne in the presence of your son and high priest Yahshua who is always pleading my cause at your right hand side of your throne within your holy temple. Help me to locate and destroy any spiritual disease in my mind.
I am asking you to destroy the spiritual stronghold of confusion in my life, every seat of confusion, every storm of confusion, every cloud of confusion, every evil attack on my mind be defeated, every sting of fear and failure be released and all entities responsible for not recalling my dreams and not understanding my dreams.
It's time for you to come and wake up, shake up and rock my spiritual health support system. You have already chosen me within the spiritual realm and have spent 56 years of my life chasing after me. I want to change. You already know that I have potential.
I don’t know why this is all happening, but one thing I know for sure, something GREAT, HUGE, AMAZING, SOMETHING WAY BIGGER THAN ME is going to come out of this, because I’m not going through all this stuff for nothing! I do not know what your divine purpose and desire have been for me all these years within the spiritual. I'm ready and willing for you to wake up, shake and flush my spiritual health support system by the presence and exposure by the holy spirit.
Please, please, I beg you to re-activate all my lost dreams stolen by the Enemy. Please reprogram both my conscious and subconscious mind. I now confess I shall recall and understand every dream from this point forward in the tried, tested and proven name of your son, Yahshua, I place my prayer at your feet and ask that it is acceptable to you. Amen!