Faithful Servant
Oh Abba Father, you are sinless, pure, omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (all-present), and omnibenevolent (all-good) eternal and sovereign creator of the unseen spiritual world and physical world. I come before you on my knees before your throne in the presence of your son and high priest Yahshua who is always pleading for me at the right hand side of your throne room within your holy temple. I have fallen well short of your divine standards covering spiritual and scriptural laws, rules, principles and guidance and stand before you "guilty as charged" and sentenced to death. But through the split blood of your son Yahshua, he accepted and took on all my wages of sin as his sentence in my place and paid the penalty in full. You have seen my actual spiritual video compared with your potential spiritual video for my life and have spotted my strength and determination with rough edges of character, weakness and failures throughout my career and personal life. You already know that I can do anything given the right capability and determination to your glory in accordance with all your spiritual and scriptural laws, rules, principles and guidelines. Therefore, I renounce, I denounce, I rebuke and I cancel every stronghold of unclean spirits and generational curses hidden within my subconscious mind covering lack of confidence, work capability, doubt, hindrances, stumbling blocks, hesitation or fear be permanently paralyzed, destroyed and burned to ashes by your holy fire in the unseen spiritual world so that they cannot be manifested in the physical world. Please wash away all the "spiritual dirt" and impurities that have been built up and left exposed within my subconscious mind that it may become "pure" and stay clean through regular washing in your word and in your presence. Cleanse and reprogram my sloppy brain memory, poor method and approach to work in the home by my poor, lazy attitude and my poor listening skills that my wife regularly dislike which you also fully agree in the unseen spiritual world. This in turn, fully addresses the main root of all my past work performance issues throughout my career. Clear all negativity in my life and remove all mental blocks and bad habits that are still hidden within my subconscious mind so that my mind is full of peace, poise, calmness, confidence, balance, equilibrium, freedom and joy. Resurrect my spiritual dry bones and re-activate all my lost dreams stolen from me by the Enemy. Work in my subconscious mind to transform my regular thinking despite the struggles that you know I face. Put me back on the straight and narrow path as you originally intended for me with spiritual recovery through spiritual knowledge, healing with a new spiritual relationship with you on a deeper personal level having access to free, unrestricted spiritual communication with you as the transmitter of your holy messages. Help me to slow down while I'm reading, to spend time thinking deeply thinking on what I read as you speak to me from your word to further enhance my spiritual knowledge and understanding. Thank you for your unconditional love towards me and that you never stopped chasing after me. Thank you for being near to me every step of the way and thank you for always providing for my every need. May this all be for your glory in the mighty and righteous name of your son Yahshua and of Ruach Ha’Kodesh. Amen and amen.