Faithful Servant
Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens who stores all the spiritual bank accounts of abundant blessings and rewards for all humanity, after losing my former job on 2 January 2020, my hope was that it was supposed to be the start of a new and exciting chapter for me going forward as part of your oven-baked and ready plan. However after 4 different job interviews I was forced by my wife and daughters at a family meeting to draw up and send a letter as an attachment by email to a recruitment consultant on 6 March 2020 informing him that I would be unable to attend a final job interview as I would be putting my family unit at risk of infection on my return. As a result I ceased making any job applications. As the UK economy went into coronavirus lockdown, face-to-face meetings in jobcentres were suspended in March because of the UK coronavirus pandemic, and with them the system of “claimant conditionality” – a set of rules that require people to agree to carry out job search activities as a condition of claiming benefits. Therefore no further job applications were made. Now you see in the spiritual or unseen world that the UK work and pensions secretary is reintroducing benefit sanctions during this week saying it is “important” claimant rules are reinstated. The UK government itself wants me as unemployed to recommence my job search as if things are near normal while living with the disease. How can things be normal? There is still no treatment or safe vaccine available for this disease despite numerous clinical trials.
Abba, you already know in the spiritual or unseen world what my current talents, skill sets, capabilities and tasks are. Please turn your face towards me. Accept me back as your prodigal son into your loving arms and forgive me. Your precious son Yahshua has already defeated Hasatan and all his evil powers and authorities totally and forever when he was crucified on the tree by the Romans, suffered and bled to death by taking away the guilt for all generations of humanity just as he prophesied. Please Abba Father, I would like you to give back to me all my lost dreams that were stolen from me so that you can show me what is happening in the spirit world or unseen world. I am no longer replying on my understanding but relying on you. I ask that you accept my sincere and honest prayer from the bottom of my heart in the name of your son Yahshua whom you are well pleased, my shepherd of the lost sheep and of Ruach Ha'Kodesh. Amen!
Abba, you already know in the spiritual or unseen world what my current talents, skill sets, capabilities and tasks are. Please turn your face towards me. Accept me back as your prodigal son into your loving arms and forgive me. Your precious son Yahshua has already defeated Hasatan and all his evil powers and authorities totally and forever when he was crucified on the tree by the Romans, suffered and bled to death by taking away the guilt for all generations of humanity just as he prophesied. Please Abba Father, I would like you to give back to me all my lost dreams that were stolen from me so that you can show me what is happening in the spirit world or unseen world. I am no longer replying on my understanding but relying on you. I ask that you accept my sincere and honest prayer from the bottom of my heart in the name of your son Yahshua whom you are well pleased, my shepherd of the lost sheep and of Ruach Ha'Kodesh. Amen!
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