Faithful Servant
Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens who stores all the bank accounts of abundant spiritual blessings and rewards for humanity, i confess that I disobeyed you by not following your instructions. As a result of my disobedience, you turned away your face and refused to speak to me unless I changed my attitude and do what I was told to do. All my prayers were not answered because my human spirit was polluted with evil spirits. Any attempt to reach you at the 3rd heaven through the power of prayer upwards from earth were blocked by the Enemy in the 2nd heaven. That is why i can't remember having any dreams, don’t have dreams or receive any dreams. They were cut off. I repent for being disobedient towards you by not following your full instructions and I take responsibility for my actions. Now I am taking responsibility for my own spiritual health by changing my own attitude after listening to the advice from both my two daughters to do what you asked me. They have their spiritual to-do-list and so has my wife. I was disorganised in that area because I had a lazy attitude. I faced up to and addressed my issue spending the time to organise and sort out my spiritual to-do-list and transferring everything that I had on OneNote on my smartphone. I was completely amazed by the amount of spiritual knowledge I've previously gathered from several sources; Apple Notes, YouTube videos, emails, written notebooks even loose pieces of A4 paper. Mentally trying to find any information previously was sheer chaos. Now I feel much better inside for making the effort to become better organised. I regret that I failed to do this much sooner. Please turn your face towards me. Accept me back as your prodigal son into your loving arms and forgive me. Your precious son Yahshua has already defeated Hasatan and all his evil powers and authorities totally and forever when he was crucified on the tree by the Romans, suffered and bled to death by taking away the guilt for all generations of humanity just as he prophesied. Please Abba Father, I would like you to give back to me all my lost dreams that were stolen from me so that you can show me what is happening in the spirit world or unseen world. I am no longer replying on my understanding but relying on you. I ask that you accept my sincere and honest prayer from the bottom of my heart in the name of your son Yahshua whom you are well pleased, my shepherd of the lost sheep and of Ruach Ha'Kodesh. Amen!
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