Faithful Servant
Oh Abba Father, divine creator and sovereign of both the true spiritual and natural worlds I come before you on my knees before your throne within the holy throne room of your temple. I thank you for the many spiritual blessings that you have already bestowed upon me throughout my life from the spirit world in the heavenly realm and I fully come into agreement that my spiritual blessings were already given from you who sit on the throne in heaven. Ephesians 1:3 reveals that all material things began as non-material, which is the same as a spiritual blessing. Therefore there are two types of blessing: spiritual and material; thus there can be no tangible blessing without a spiritual blessing. It is the same with a curse; a curse is first spiritual before it becomes material or manifests itself in our natural realm. However the biggest spiritual mystery for me within the spirit realm for this year has been the outcome of my work search activity in the natural world from what already happened in the spirit world by evil seeds of lack of progress and failure sowed by the Enemy starting with the loss of my former job on 2 January. Therefore I renounce, I denounce, I reject, I rebuke, I cut and I destroy in the righteous and holy name of Yahshua, son of the Almighty all evil and unclean spirits sent from the kingdom of Hasatan to disrupt and alter my original spiritual destiny outlined by Abba Father, my creator throughout my life. I loose now.......the holy spirit's power (Ruach Ha'Kodesh) and the blood of Yahshua to cleanse my life from these demon god's, from you HaSatan! So in the authority of Yahshua Hamashiach....I bind and cast out the STRONGMAN OF JEALOUSY: I BIND AND CAST OUT hundreds....thousands...legions of spirits of: β’ Jealousy, anger, rage, bitterness, envy, strife, β’ Division, dissension, contentious spirits β’ Hatred β’ Cruelty β’ Mocking...Scoffing β’ Cruelty β’ Extreme competition β’ spirits of Confusion Legions of these go now! Ones that have been in my life, right back to the womb...right back to Adam in our bloodline! I command all of them to go now! GET OUT GET OUT! Youβre time is up...up and out....up and out! I will not be ruled by them anymore! Your GATEKEEPERS also...pack your bags and get out! Get out get out get out! Up and out! Take your babies and your nests and get out of me! You gatekeepers of Jealousy, your time is up....your assignment is over! Yahshua......remove their crowns and their scepters! Demote them....for you are in charge now....not HaSatan! I put the blood of Yahshua at the root at which they all came in. I close those doors now....seal them shut with the blood of Yahshua and send them to Yahshua for judgement and forbid them to come back in any way, shape or form! Theyβre not allowed to touch anyone else on the way either! Go directly to Yahshua for judgment! I LOOSE: The power of Yahweh to flush out these demons of Jealousy, the Holy spirit to the max! I loose forgiveness, a giving heart, words of encouragement and acceptance, instead of damming words, Holiness and purity! I loose love to the max!1 Cor.13: 4-7β¦β¦ Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and hardly even notice when others do it wrong! It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out. STRONGMAN OF LYING AND DECEPTION: I BIND AND CAST OUT these spirits that would be whispering in their ears of: β’ Deception β’ Flattery β’ Slander β’ Gossip β’ Lies β’ False teachings β’ the hidden spirits All demons of deception and lying....get out! Legions of you....go! I place the blood of Yahshua against you at the root at which you came in......right back to the womb! All lying demons....out! Get out get out get out! All gatekeepers of deception also must go! Pack up your bags and get out! Your assignment is over. Yahshua is in charge and he is greater than in his name....I order you all out! I put the blood of Yahshua at the root at which they all came in. I close those doors now....seal them shut with the blood of Yahshua and send them to Yahshua for judgement and forbid them to come back in any way, shape or form! Theyβre not allowed to touch anyone else on the way either! I LOOSE: Truth! That the lies of the wagging tongues will stop that come against me! That in every way, I will present the truth and not slander others, be honest in everything that I do! That they will stop their lying, deceptive ways! I loose the Holy spirit to cleanse and purify my ears, mind and body of deception and lying! STRONGMAN OF PERVERSE SPIRITS: I BIND AND CAST OUT the Perverse spirits of: β’ Broken heartedness spirit β’ Evil actions β’ Atheist β’ Abortion β’ Verbal abuse β’ Filthy mind β’ Pornography β’ Vulgarity β’ Profanity β’ Twisting of words β’ The Scrambler Spirit β’ Chronic worrier β’ Contentious mind I bind and cast allll of these out now! Every single one of you must go!!! I command all these to go now in Yahshua's name! Get out...your time is can no longer stay! Up and out! Legions of you...out!!! GET OUT!!! You no longer rule my life! Go! Legions of demons that came in through the open door of porn.....out out out! Get out of my body, mind, soul.....conscience and sub-conscience! Scrambler spirit....get out! You no longer can scramble my thoughts! Your time is up! Perverse thoughts...unclean thoughts.....sexual thoughts....get out now!!! You no longer will rule my thinking, my mind! Vulgarity, cursing.....I bind and cast you out now! All gatekeepers over them also must go! Your assignment is over! Yahshua is in charge...not in Yahshua's name.........Goooo!!!! Yahshua rules my mind now......not you HaSatan and these perverse spirits!I put the blood of Yahshua at the root at which they all came in. I close those doors now....seal them shut with the blood of Yahshua and send them to Yahshua for judgement and forbid them to come back in any way, shape or form! Theyβre not allowed to touch anyone else on the way either! Go directly to Yahshua! I LOOSE: The Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha'Kodesh) pure thoughts and actions, holiness! I line up my thoughts with the word of Elohim with your thoughts Yahwehβ¦ your thoughts in my mind! May I take on the mind of Yahshua, as your word says! Correct my thinking, Adonai! We take on the mind of Yahshua! May I speak the words you would have me speak, Yahshua. Forgive me for the sins I committed that allowed these spirits of infirmity in, in the first place! Also the sins of omission...ones I donβt know of! In Yahshua's name, I BIND AND CAST OUT the Strongman of Infirmity and the spirits of: β’ Asthma, allergies, arthritis, addictions to drugs β’ pre-diabetes β’ High blood sugar β’ High blood pressure β’ Insomnia, β’ Muscular problems ALL SICKNESSES AND ILLNESSES COME FROM HaSatan! Legions of infirmity demons.....OUT!!!! Up and out!!!! GOOOOO! Generational demons of Infirmity....out!!! GET OUT IN YAHSHUA'S NAME! OUT!! LEGIONS OF YOU....OUT OUT OUT! I command all of them to go now! I command them to go! Youβre time is up...up and out....up and out! I will not be ruled by them anymore! Your gatekeepers also...pack your bags and get out! Your assignment is over! Yahshua is in charge who is greater than HaSatan! So in Yahshua's name......get out get out get out get out!!!! Up and out! I put the blood of Yahshua at the root at which they all came in. I close all those doors now right back to the womb....seal them shut with the blood of Yahshua and send them to Yahshua for judgement and forbid them to come back in any way, shape or form! Theyβre not allowed to touch anyone else on the way either! Go directly to Yahshua! Yahshua, I seal this now with the holy spirit! I seal these words I've written and spoken over me! I put your blood on these words so the Enemy cannot rob them! Protect them! Send your warring angels out now to do their work on me. Clean me out good Yahshua. Give me a desire to follow you no matter what it takes! Give me a desire for your word like I have never known before. Put a hunger in my heart to read my Bible. Let me eat it daily for it is your life that sustains me and help me grow and mature in you. Show me your ways Yahshua. Teach me by your holy spirit. Open up my mind of understanding and pour in your wisdom and truth! Show me signs and wonders. Teach me how to pray more clearly. Give me your prayer language to speak in tongues I have never heard before, your prayer language. Heal my body, soul, mind and spirit, conscience and sub-conscience. Shower down your love on me like never before and give me peace. Bless me Yahshua. Amen and amen!