Disciple of Prayer
I recently posted the prayer request below and I still need your prayers. God bless.
I work in an office where I suspect there may be a Jezebel spirit. Our director is a woman and is all for the Women in Business movement which is a well intentioned movement. However, this director appears to either not notice or not want to notice serious flaws in her women managers and team leaders in the department. I was bullied by a previous female manager who left. All other senior managers felt she was 'mad'. The director wouldn't have it. Recently there have been made up allegations from one female manager about two men in her team. The investigation proved there was no evidence to support these allegations and the investigation was dropped. She wanted to remove the male team leader and replace him with one of her favorites. This manager is a lesbian and also does not like men in general. Her manager is a weak man (King Ahab) and is easily manipulated. Her team leader (also female) has seen this behavior and I believe tried to emulate it by now making up allegations against me. This team leader is capitalizing on the 'women in business' by ingratiating herself to her two female bosses. They now see her as a future manager and will be promoted soon. She has proven since getting her team lead role that she wants total control and will intimidate people and constantly tells her bosses about conversations she overhears or through social media. There is a real air of anti-male feeling in the air and this to me is sexism. I realize this has happened and still happens to women the world over but two wrongs do not make a right. My request is that if this is not of God that people pray to break whatever spirit is over our department/company. I have been fasting once a week about this but nothing has happened. It could simply be God's will for it to be this way.ย
I work in an office where I suspect there may be a Jezebel spirit. Our director is a woman and is all for the Women in Business movement which is a well intentioned movement. However, this director appears to either not notice or not want to notice serious flaws in her women managers and team leaders in the department. I was bullied by a previous female manager who left. All other senior managers felt she was 'mad'. The director wouldn't have it. Recently there have been made up allegations from one female manager about two men in her team. The investigation proved there was no evidence to support these allegations and the investigation was dropped. She wanted to remove the male team leader and replace him with one of her favorites. This manager is a lesbian and also does not like men in general. Her manager is a weak man (King Ahab) and is easily manipulated. Her team leader (also female) has seen this behavior and I believe tried to emulate it by now making up allegations against me. This team leader is capitalizing on the 'women in business' by ingratiating herself to her two female bosses. They now see her as a future manager and will be promoted soon. She has proven since getting her team lead role that she wants total control and will intimidate people and constantly tells her bosses about conversations she overhears or through social media. There is a real air of anti-male feeling in the air and this to me is sexism. I realize this has happened and still happens to women the world over but two wrongs do not make a right. My request is that if this is not of God that people pray to break whatever spirit is over our department/company. I have been fasting once a week about this but nothing has happened. It could simply be God's will for it to be this way.ย