The day when we started to love the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul, then obedience ceases to be a burden in our life, obedience to his voice becomes a delight in His commands, belief in His wonderful promises and more love to Him grows down deep in our soul.
By Thy blessed word of Lord.
I shall obey every single command you said.
That is when we prove our sincere love to You.
For we hear Thy gentle voice to our ears.
Obey My word.
Follow My command.
Thy word so firm and true.
I shall hear and obey,
Till You call me home to heaven.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. Jesus loves obedient children who will do His will above anything else in this world.
By Thy blessed word of Lord.
I shall obey every single command you said.
That is when we prove our sincere love to You.
For we hear Thy gentle voice to our ears.
Obey My word.
Follow My command.
Thy word so firm and true.
I shall hear and obey,
Till You call me home to heaven.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. Jesus loves obedient children who will do His will above anything else in this world.