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O WOW O WOW O WOW!! Lord THANK YOU!!! As you know I dropped my honey off some supper and I had my nephew with me. Bob was a little upset a while back because Jacob was calling him Uncle Bob. He got over it I believe he was just still mad at his self at that time. Tonight Jacob wanted to come ride with me and I asked Bob to come out and get the food so I wouldn't have to leave him in the truck and he is scared of the dark. O WOW it was just like old times when He used to get off at 10 at his other job and I went to work at 11 I would run to his house real quick just to get a hug and a kiss. He'd always come out to the truck to kiss me again. I turned the light on in the truck so Jacob could say hello and he was shy because Bob has a goatee now. But I was telling Bob that he was saying Nanny where is Uncle Bob's house and are we almost there. I told him he didn't have a house he had an apartment. As I was telling Bob all that Jacob was saying he was smiling and laughing and Said hey Buddy. O WOW felt so sweet Thank You Lord for showing me that he is getting more and more comfortable again and it is so close. I wanted to kiss him goodnight so bad that was so hard not to. But Lord I LOVE YOU I TRUST YOU I BELIEVE IN YOU I DECLARE IT I WILL WIN IT AND I CLAIM IT. I can't wait until you bring him back to me it is going to be the most wonderful gift you have given me yet because now I see it is going to be just perfect now that you have fixed things and worked on us both. And Lord I ask PLEASE let him let go of his other addiction. From his comment the other day it got me a little worried he'll go back to it. PLEASE PROTECT HIM FROM IT AND LET HIM LEAVE IT WHERE IT IS AWAY FROM US!! God I ask you again please save my soul and cleanse my heart. It is so tired so tired but tonight i don't know it was just the sweetest feeling being outside with him in the night air and him laughing and smiling and being happy to see me. It was the most loving feeling for that 10 minutes! O WOW again thank you Lord you are answering all my prayers and the one question I asked does Bob want to be with me forever and you showed me twice today that he does. I'm extremely tired physically mentally and emotionally BUT I feel at peace. For all this I THANK YOU LORD In Jesus Name In The Holy Spirit & God Most High I Pray Amen
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