Our wonderful Savior and Lord is full of mercy and compassion on those who seek His face, on a daily basis calling on Him for help and grace. When we read His word and we obey it, there comes sweet peace and joy in our life and the life of those who love and care.
He remembers our frame and knows that we are dust just as He said.
From dust you were taken and to dust ye shall return.
Gen. 3:19b
He removes our transgressions and sins as far as the east is from the west and will remember no more. His love and kindness will come on those who honor and praise His holy name. When He looks at our heart, Jesus does not look at our sins, instead He sees the blood that cleanseth us from all sin. He opened the gates of heaven so we can enter in and reign with Him for ages to come.
Let us all be busy loving the Lord.
Loving others just as He said.
Honoring His holy name.
Obeying His word.
And walking the light.
As He is in the light.
God's love and care will endure forever and ever and from His wonderful love nothing can sever.
O Jesus, Your presence makes me whole.
I love You with all of my heart and will never ever leave you or forget to read Your word and obey everything You have said
He remembers our frame and knows that we are dust just as He said.
From dust you were taken and to dust ye shall return.
Gen. 3:19b
He removes our transgressions and sins as far as the east is from the west and will remember no more. His love and kindness will come on those who honor and praise His holy name. When He looks at our heart, Jesus does not look at our sins, instead He sees the blood that cleanseth us from all sin. He opened the gates of heaven so we can enter in and reign with Him for ages to come.
Let us all be busy loving the Lord.
Loving others just as He said.
Honoring His holy name.
Obeying His word.
And walking the light.
As He is in the light.
God's love and care will endure forever and ever and from His wonderful love nothing can sever.
O Jesus, Your presence makes me whole.
I love You with all of my heart and will never ever leave you or forget to read Your word and obey everything You have said