My heart belongs to the Lord. He has come to me and said. I have loved you with an everlasting love. I care for you. I have always desired for honesty, contentment and integrity before the Lord. He knows our hearts desire and He will always direct our path towards Himself. Never ever doubt His mercy and care for those who lift His name up and serve Him with deep love to Him.
Everything God ever asks you to do, even when it is difficult, He asks because He has something great in mind for you.
Let me take the wings of an eagle and fly away to be with the Lord forever, o my precious Lord, take me home to be with You, before I see the sun rising up in the morning, at midday I call on You to lead me on the rugged path that leads to Your holy throne. Before I see the stars or the sunset, I want to be with You.
Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation and uphold me with Thy free Spirit.
Psalm 51.12
I was drawn by the flame of His love, inspired by His eternal word written down in my heart. He set my heart ablaze and I promised to follow Him all the way to the mansion He has promised us from the begining of the earth. But the rain of the world was so heavy, soaked with pleasures of earth, it made my heart turn away from those wonders from glory. This wind was so strong and lost my way till I heard the call from Gods heart.
Come to Me, I will give you rest.
On that coldest night, I return back to God again and found Him waiting and watching. He embraced me and said...
I have loved you with an everlasting love. I care for you.
Then I was sifting throug the ashes of my heart. I made a mistake. I must return to Him who loved me and watched for me. Before I was created, He knew my heart and He has chosen to be His very own. The I started singing ....
Holy, holy, holy are You Lord.
The elders and angels bow.
The redeemed worship You now.
Holy, holy, holy are You Lord.
I shall forever honor, praise and glorify the name of the Lord our God. He alone is worthy of all glory. Seeking the lost and finding them to redeemed, to help and to heal those with broken heart.
Everything God ever asks you to do, even when it is difficult, He asks because He has something great in mind for you.
Let me take the wings of an eagle and fly away to be with the Lord forever, o my precious Lord, take me home to be with You, before I see the sun rising up in the morning, at midday I call on You to lead me on the rugged path that leads to Your holy throne. Before I see the stars or the sunset, I want to be with You.
Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation and uphold me with Thy free Spirit.
Psalm 51.12
I was drawn by the flame of His love, inspired by His eternal word written down in my heart. He set my heart ablaze and I promised to follow Him all the way to the mansion He has promised us from the begining of the earth. But the rain of the world was so heavy, soaked with pleasures of earth, it made my heart turn away from those wonders from glory. This wind was so strong and lost my way till I heard the call from Gods heart.
Come to Me, I will give you rest.
On that coldest night, I return back to God again and found Him waiting and watching. He embraced me and said...
I have loved you with an everlasting love. I care for you.
Then I was sifting throug the ashes of my heart. I made a mistake. I must return to Him who loved me and watched for me. Before I was created, He knew my heart and He has chosen to be His very own. The I started singing ....
Holy, holy, holy are You Lord.
The elders and angels bow.
The redeemed worship You now.
Holy, holy, holy are You Lord.
I shall forever honor, praise and glorify the name of the Lord our God. He alone is worthy of all glory. Seeking the lost and finding them to redeemed, to help and to heal those with broken heart.