Faithful Servant
O Holy Spirit, I humbly come to you who is always active and present within my home. You already know that I'm doing my essays through my Bible studies covering the nine areas of concern that you raised over a year. There are still areas of confusion in my mind, things that I do not understand. I ask that through your mighty power sent from your glorious throne of holiness, righteousness and light, every demonic stronghold against my mind will start budging and fall against your persistent attacks until they have lost the spiritual battle over my mind and are crushed into many pieces.
Once again, I ask you as the spiritual architect, to destroy all demonic strongholds of my mind:
Anger: hatred, malice (desire to cause pain), rage, murder, temper, cursing, vengeance, retaliation, abuse, cruelty, unforgiveness, bitterness, being judgmental or critical, taking offence easily, anger (towards others, mother or father, authority, God)
Fear: fear of man, fear of authority, doubt/unbelief, dread, worry, anxiety, fear the worst will happen, fear of various illnesses like cancer, fear people will get angry with you or won't like you
Abandonment: desertion, divorce, rejection, neglect, victimisation, blocked intimacy, not valuing people/relationships/ending relationships, burning bridges, isolation, loneliness, self-pity
Shame: condemnation, disgrace, embarrassment, guilt, hatred, self-hate, self-pity, withdrawal, hiding/antisocial, timidity, inferiority
Lying: cheating, theft, deception, trickery, untrustworthiness, adultery, emotional adultery, denial, self-deception, secretiveness, hiding purchases/activities/relationships
Financial lack: belief in poverty, robbing God by not tithing, not believing in covenant blessings, greed, covetousness, debt, dishonesty, idolatry of possessions/materialism
Addictions: alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pornography, sex, flirtation, overeating, anything you cannot do in moderation Sensuality: lust, pornography, rape, incest
Depression: rejection, despair, helplessness, hopelessness, sadness, self-pity, withdrawal, suicide
Grief: sorrow, despair, heartbreak, loss, pain, torment, weeping, anguish, agony
Mental instability: confusion Pride: arrogance, disdain, selfishness, control/pushiness, independence, callousness/lack of concern for others, gossip
Procrastination: laziness, distraction, lack of organisation/preparation, lateness/tardiness
Re-activate all my lost dreams stolen by Satan from the kingdom of unholiness, unrighteousness of darkness and of wickedness who call himself, I am not. It's time for you to come and wake up my "dead dry bones" that have laid on the ground for so long and restore my spiritual body to full life. Change all my habits, attitudes, and renew my mind. Therefore, I rebuke and bind all the evil schemes of the Enemy and cancel in Yahushua's name. Amen.
Once again, I ask you as the spiritual architect, to destroy all demonic strongholds of my mind:
Anger: hatred, malice (desire to cause pain), rage, murder, temper, cursing, vengeance, retaliation, abuse, cruelty, unforgiveness, bitterness, being judgmental or critical, taking offence easily, anger (towards others, mother or father, authority, God)
Fear: fear of man, fear of authority, doubt/unbelief, dread, worry, anxiety, fear the worst will happen, fear of various illnesses like cancer, fear people will get angry with you or won't like you
Abandonment: desertion, divorce, rejection, neglect, victimisation, blocked intimacy, not valuing people/relationships/ending relationships, burning bridges, isolation, loneliness, self-pity
Shame: condemnation, disgrace, embarrassment, guilt, hatred, self-hate, self-pity, withdrawal, hiding/antisocial, timidity, inferiority
Lying: cheating, theft, deception, trickery, untrustworthiness, adultery, emotional adultery, denial, self-deception, secretiveness, hiding purchases/activities/relationships
Financial lack: belief in poverty, robbing God by not tithing, not believing in covenant blessings, greed, covetousness, debt, dishonesty, idolatry of possessions/materialism
Addictions: alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pornography, sex, flirtation, overeating, anything you cannot do in moderation Sensuality: lust, pornography, rape, incest
Depression: rejection, despair, helplessness, hopelessness, sadness, self-pity, withdrawal, suicide
Grief: sorrow, despair, heartbreak, loss, pain, torment, weeping, anguish, agony
Mental instability: confusion Pride: arrogance, disdain, selfishness, control/pushiness, independence, callousness/lack of concern for others, gossip
Procrastination: laziness, distraction, lack of organisation/preparation, lateness/tardiness
Re-activate all my lost dreams stolen by Satan from the kingdom of unholiness, unrighteousness of darkness and of wickedness who call himself, I am not. It's time for you to come and wake up my "dead dry bones" that have laid on the ground for so long and restore my spiritual body to full life. Change all my habits, attitudes, and renew my mind. Therefore, I rebuke and bind all the evil schemes of the Enemy and cancel in Yahushua's name. Amen.
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