Faithful Servant
O Abba Father, you know that today—or very soon—I must make a decision which is going to affect my whole life. Help me to choose rightly—and to choose the right way. Grant me your guidance, and with it grant me the humble obedience to accept it. Help me not necessarily to choose what I want to do, but what you want me to do. Grant that I may not be swayed solely by fear or by hope of gain, by selfish love of ease or comfort or by personal ambition, by the desire to escape or by longing for prestige. Help me today in humble obedience to say to you, “Adonai, what will you have me to do?” and then await your guidance, and accept your leading. Hear this prayer of mine and send an answer so clear that I cannot mistake it. This I ask for your love’s sake! Amen.