Humble Prayer Warrior
I get my
hearts desire I get the best person for me that is a good thing I'm not sad about Myles Hass ever again it's not holding me back anymore the pain of me listening
honoring God for no reason just for the weirdos way to be wicked to be alive for him to serve instead of me and the Lord. Let the witches warlocks wizards jealous evil people have no seals of protection on there head for ripping my heart
out and God Almighty's. I get someone who will not disgrace my face every where I go I get a person who sees me as his person his happiness his person he wants to spend his time romantically. Who stole blocked killed took for themselves my marriage air I prayed for that God told me to and my kids family that's a good thing innocents these wicked jezebels that kill animals children the universe our World as we know it to get there way vomits it up it's disgrace for them period permanently no seals of protection on there
heads forever no sex no drugs no alcohol no home no shower that's what they prayed over me alone no one home dead inside there weapons loose this verse with a kick from heaven let Gods people arise and get mad that love children Marriages seniors being alive animals the
the sunshine Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against me my family that's a good thing innocents doesn't prosper at all. I get someone who will love me adore me and everything I worked for is returned to me so I have time romantically with someone who wants to spend time romantically with me only a person who is loyal and adventurous. I get a make over wrinkles gone on my neck chest my body redone no more double chin my nails done beautiful
my hair done extensions wigs because my hair was scary looking from the weord jealous people let them loose there attractive ways that have killed men to be wicked jezebels towards me instead of honoring me and my family that's a good thing innocents for now on. I get a great place to live that's safe without Micheal trying to murder me every second I get my stuff back and new stuff because I was disgraced to die there and I was robbed of my money for no reason without a place to live. I have doors open for a new life to begin a new car because I only have bad memories in this car my lawyer calls me back
the bankruptcy starts easily so I can trade in this car since I was disgraced in it for listening
honoring God. I get a great job and my Grace leaves the world
comes back to me for myself and my family that's a good thing innocents not for these wicked people to keep let them have the seals of revelation to the
scorpion tormenting in the bible that's where it belongs as they have destroyed my life
Gods heart and the world
as we know it in Jesus name amen amen